A Team 'Bond'ing Experience~

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           Skye looked around, navigating the tundra with ease, she had run to a farther part of the enclosure. She found a small patch of grass against the edge of the glass, flowers and spore Pokemon alike inhabiting most of it. Sunflora, Hoppips, Budews- she had always been about nature, but less for the fauna, more for the wildlife.

          Skye stopped amidst the grass, listening for that sound. The bugs and birds, all the flowers and living plants seemed to disperse, scared by her presence in their far-off sanctuary within the garden. But she knew she heard something-

"Chi-ka! Chikorita! Chi- Chi!"
          She stopped looking around and instead looked down, finding a Chikorita, short and stout, brushing up against her leg in the grass. Skye let the Pokemon stand on her hands, bringing it up to her face to examine- it was no beast like the ones she knew, but it was something worth looking at - something worth training, Skye thought. She was just about to walk away with it when a Drifloon floated by, entangling its wiry strings around the Chikorita's leg.

"Chi! Chi-ka! Chi-ka!"
"Shit! Get back 'ere ya lil' bugger!"
          It cried out for help as Skye reached for the helpless grass Pokemon. She watched as the Drifloon carried it into the mountain region, Skye didn't hesitate for a moment before bolting it to save her new friend.

          Sage looked off at Skye in the distance, seeing her chase after the kidnapped Pokemon. She almost ran over to help had Brimstone not taken her arm-

"Relax, Skye can handle that thing, we aren't normal helpless humans against these things you know. We have our stuff~"
          Brimstone gestured to his bracer and Sage's orbs,

"Yes but, I can make my orbs and use them- how can you use your bracer without the satellite?"
          Sage looked at him, her question genuine, and his returned expression annoyed. She decided to brush off the topic, looking at the nearby Pokemon instead.

"So these- Poke-Mons, they are like Gekko's creatures?"
"Sorta, not really though."
          Brimstone was barely paying attention to her as he carefully watched each Durant and Diglet scurry from end to end of the field.

"Ahh yes... very helpful..."
"Wait- lookie here! I found one!"
          Brimstone stood up from the grass, revealing some sort of fire lizard in his hands.

"Char! Charmander!"
          Its voice was comparable to that of a child mocking a kitten.

"What is it exactly?"
"It just told you, Charmander! A fire type- see I had one just like this one on my GameBoy"
          Sage didn't understand a word out of her commander's mouth, she wondered if maybe he was too old, or maybe she was tuning him out - it was definitely both.

"You coming?"
          Sage snapped out of her autopilot, seeing Brimstone already heading for the gate with his new reptilian friend, the fire on its tail dancing with excitement- like a puppy wagging its tail.

"Go on, I will be there shortly"
"Suit yourself"
          Sage let herself sit down on a hill, looking around at everyone else, struggling amongst the chaos. She let her hands hold up her chin as she closed her eyes.

"I hope it is as easy for me..."
          Sage wished and she prayed, she hoped and she manifested that maybe something, anything, would choose her, so she didn't have to endure the challenge, the hardship, that was choosing something to take away from this beautiful garden, from their home.

          That voice... it was high pitched, almost like a squeal, but not one of an animal. It was more innocent, more... tame. She opened her eyes and was met with green and white, and a touch of pink. A stray Ralts had found its way onto her knees, tilting its rounded head at her, she could feel its plea for guidance.

VALORANT: GO!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang