'You Blacked Out!'

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          The VALORANT Protocol; an elite protocol of Radiants and Radianite tech-users, banded together to save the planet from their mirror images from a parallel universe. Struggling to gain the upper hand in an endless turf war for Radianite, fighting through the wicked eyes of the public and the moral grayness of their cause - The VALORANT Protocol faces danger and death daily, but with camaraderie, determination, and hope, they always ensure another day for their world. But what if... They were in Pokemon?

          It was an overly sunny day, not hot, just too bright. The weather outside was nice; flowers along the sidewalk, bushes brimming with berries of all colors, it was Spring. Tailows chirped and Pidgeys squawked throughout the neighborhood as a slight breeze brushed the curtains of a certain unsuspecting monster tamer.

          Gekko turned off his alarm clock within seconds, pulling his blanket over his head and retreating under the covers for more shuteye. He groaned from insomnia as he heard footsteps approaching his room.

"Honey? Are you up yet? It's the big day!"
          Gekko shot out of the covers, his face still mild with confusion and fatigue, eyeing his mother. He tilted his head at her, unsure what this supposed big day was. For some reason he couldn't remember much, Wingman jumped into the portal- and then there was a big explosion and- and... and then it all faded to black.

          Gekko knew that sound, that purring. He turned to the backboard of his bed frame to find Dizzy, sound asleep behind him.

"I will never understand what your little pet there is,"
          Gekko's mom tilted her head back at Dizzy, not alarmed, but curious. Gekko sat there puzzled, the fact that she didn't already know or that she didn't panic upon sight was offsetting. It had to be one or the other, but she just seemed accepting, her lack of confusion confused him.

          He cupped Dizzy in his palms, 'At least I'm not alone' he thought. He set Dizzy on his shoulder, realizing the possibility that more of his companions were around too. Gekko searched his bed, knocking pillows off and tossing the blanket aside, his search ended empty-handed.

"Are you looking for that little toy of yours? I put it on your desk"
          His mom gestured towards a desk across the room, Gekko redirected his eyes to the computer, spotting Mosh among a few decorative figurines. Gekko burst out of bed for the desk, nearly tripping over the pillows discarded across his bedroom floor. He placed the sleeping Mosh into his pocket, already looking around for Thrash.

"El no es un juguete, mama,"
"He's not a toy- mom"
          Gekko dropped to his knees, checking under everything for his missing companion; the bed, the desk, the drawer, the pile of laundry conveniently shaped like Thrash-

"There you are!"
          As soon as Gekko looked into the pile, Thrash pounced on him, tackling his owner to the floor, play fighting. Gekko hugged and nuzzled Thrash in reunion; with everything so slightly off, a familiar face couldn't be more appreciated.

"Okay, come on, you found your friends now you need to go."
          Gekko's mom helped him off the floor as Gekko positioned Thrash in the back of his shirt, he didn't understand what she was rushing him for - He looked back at Thrash for a clue, and despite Thrash's lack of shoulders, Thrash shrugged. She led him to their dining table amidst a somewhat nuclear family kitchen, with a Mr. Mime sitting on the couch watching TV. Gekko's mom plated him food which he chowed down in seconds, he eyed her as she seemed to be packing a bag with snacks and clothes. She placed it next to him on the table

"Okay, I packed everything,; chips, water, some spare shirts, spare Pokeballs, your toothbrush, spare underwea-"
"Wait what?"
          Gekko cut his mom off upon his realization. Unsure of what he heard he looked at Dizzy, at Mosh and Thrash, and he looked back at her.

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