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Next Morning
Ekana's room
Ishana's pov

I opened my eyes feeling some weight at my blossoms and there my dear husband sleeping like a baby with soft snores. No one can say he was the same person last night... But when did I wore his shirt? Who knows let it be..
I was playing with his hair locks But Just then he stirred in his sleep maybe going to wake up.

He opened his eyes and a smile made its way on both of our faces when we looked at each other.

"Good morning sweetheart" ufff his deep husky sleepy voice....
"Good morning Jaan" I wished back with a smile.

He came up and pecked my forehead, then my nose tip, then both the cheeks and lips. He was going to lean in for a kiss but I put my palm on his lips. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Morning breathe" I said but he removed my palm and said "U really think I care now?" And he leaned in for a kiss and I also give in knowing my husband that he will not back off for sure...

But then he opened first button of his shirt which I was wearing and I stopped his hands and there my husband with a pout on his face with furrowed eyebrows.

"Not again I am sore" I said knowing that he will repeat the last night things if I didn't stopped. "Okey" he said with a pout and pecked my lips.. who knows that THE EKANSH SINGH RATHORE can be this cute....

He suddenly picked me up in bridal style and started moving towards bathroom.

"I can walk"
"Yes yes the one who can't change her sides while sleeping because of pain can walk right?"

How did he knew I was hissing in pain while waking up? Let it be... He made me sit at the counter beside the basin.

"Let's take a bath"
Wait take a bath? No I know if I said yes it will not be a bath..

"No thank you Mr rathore but I can on my own"

"No seriously just a bath sweetheart"

"No go out"




And he moved out and I did my morning business......

In dining room

Swati:Hey guys so what's today's plan?
Ruhi: Let's just sit at home and watch the nature and spend some time together
Shivi:Yup I am already tired from yesterday's traveling we did a lot...

They all were settling the table for breakfast the servants can but they decided to do by their own..

Ruhi:But where is Isha?
Shivi:Who knows?

They were talking when veer and rid came downstairs. They greeted each other...
Veer:Where are the remaining 3?
Ruhi:Shiv is actually out must be coming
Rid:Why he gone out?
Ruhi:Nothing someone came to meet him so..

And just then shiv entered inside the room and so did ansh came from downstairs..

Veer:Bhai where is beautiful?
Ansh:Stop calling her that if want to give nickname to ur wife not mine..
Veer:No thanks I gave nicknames to both of them don't worry.

Swati:Oh really what is for shivi I never listened?
Veer:It's butterfly
Ruhi:And the reason?
Rid:Cause Bhai loved to catch butterflies during childhood and they were his favourite,right Bhai?

He just hummed in response and sat on his chair.. and just then Isha walked downstairs but with a different walk (and we know why 😏) and sat on her chair taking a puff of breathe.

THE ROYAL TERRITORY (PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now