☠︎︎ 18. Your Darlin' ☠︎︎

Start from the beginning

"Chay," Kim groaned, his lips chasing Chay, but Chay kept teasingly moving away.

"How about we take the shower together?" Chay kept his voice low and quiet, hand slowly sliding up Kim's arms, until they met behind Kim's neck.

"Darlin', you are torturing me," Kim whispered into Chay's ear, grabbed Chay's chin harshly and crashed their lips together.

It was like a firework exploded inside of Chay at the intensity of Kim's actions. He moaned into the kiss, fingers getting tangled up in Kim's hair as he pulled him even closer, their wet bodies learning the shape of one another with every touch they shared.

"Oh fuck..." Kim mumbled into the kiss, his hand sliding down Chay's back and hips until it stopped. And then Kim moved his hand forward, wrapping his fingers around Chay's already hard cock.

Chay moaned, arching his back. His nails were creating crescent moons on Kim's back and shoulders. Kim started slowly moving his hand, his thumb caressing the tip of Chay's cock.

"You know, darlin'... I have no bloody idea how a shower works, but if I get you in here, I'll gladly use it every day."

Chay smiled blissfully and leaned forward, kissing Kim's shoulder all the way to his neck and whispering, "actually... we have a bathtub as well. It's just in a different bathroom.

"Thank god, that thing still exists here," Kim chuckled and brought Chay's lips to his own, swallowing all Chay's whimpers as he moved his hand faster and faster, enjoying the way Chay shuddered under his touch.

And then Kim groaned into the kiss, parting their lips as he pushed Chay to the wall; their breathing heavy, their foreheads pressed together and eyes closed as Chay slowly started stroking Kim's cock as well.

"Will you come for me, captain, hmm?" Chay nibbled on his bottom lip, watching Kim falling apart under his touch.

"You're so wicked," Kim replied and kissed Chay again. It was messy. It was rough. Chay's head was spinning. His body was shaking and then it all stopped. His body collapsed into Kim's arms. They both, in silence, only accompanied by the sound of water kissing their bodies, were trying to calm their wild beating hearts and erratic breaths.

"I love you," Chay spoke first, combing his fingers through Kim's hair.

"Mine. My darlin'," Kim kissed Chay's collarbone and the underside of Chay's chin, before he gently kissed Chay's lips as well, "mine."

His—Chay thought as they spent another fifteen minutes focusing on really taking a shower and reducing the kissing to the minimum.

They were out of the bathroom for less than a minute before Chay's grandmother knocked at the door and called them down to eat what she prepared for them.

Thirty minutes later they were back in Chay's room.

"It's been so long since I last time ate something that tasted even a little bit like the food that my mother used to cook," Kim said, stopping in front of one of the weird-looking pictures of Chay hanging on the wall.

"My granny is the best cook," Chay smiled and hugged Kim from behind, resting his head on Kim's shoulder. "This is a photo."

"It looks like a weird painting," Kim frowned.

"Well... in a way it kinda is, but it's way faster to make and it's basically a reflection of reality. Here, let me show you." Chay walked up to his desk, grabbed his phone and walked up back to Kim.

"This is a phone. You can do a million different things with it and one of the things you can do is to take a photo. Look," Chay threw one of his arms around Kim's shoulder, and with another, he put the hoodie on Kim's head, and then positioned his phone in front of them, while he leaned in and kissed Kim's cheek. Kim looked like a lost puppy, entirely confused.

Chay quickly took their selfie and then he turned the phone to Kim to show him the photo. Their first photo together. Chay was going to print it and take it with him back to the past. Chay loved the way the selfie turned out. Kim looked so adorable with a hoodie on. Chay knew Kim would look adorable and cuddly in a hoodie and that was exactly why he had given it to him. And the fact that the hoodie was lavender-coloured was making everything even better. Captain Kimhan in a lavender hoodie... everyone, fear the danger!

But Kim looked like he didn't share Chay's excitement over the photo. He looked disturbed, clutching the phone tightly, he said, "that's some bloody magic! Chay, you shouldn't do magic. What if someone catches you? It's dangerous."

Chay laughed, took the phone back and smiled at Kim, "Kim, this is not magic. I know it seems like it to you, but it's not. And even if it was magic... nothing would happen to me. In this century, magic is not illegal. No one is going to burn me at stake for it. In fact, most people nowadays don't even believe that magic is a real thing."

"Not real?" Kim asked slowly.

"Nope," Chay shook his head and tugged on Kim's hand, pulling him towards his desk. "I'm going to show you something else that might look even more like magic but I promise it's not." He showed their photo to Kim again, "do you like it?"

"I do," Kim cleared his throat and looked back down at the photo, "I do."

"Well, then," Chay smiled, "let me give it to you." Chay grabbed a small Polaroid printer he bought last year, connected it to the phone and set it to print two copies.

Kim had the cutest expression as he watched the photo from the phone being formed into real life, making Chay giggle and take another photo this time only of Kim.

"The 21st century makes you too cute," Chay whispered and pecked Kim's lips.

But Kim didn't agree. Not at all. He shook his head and put on his cold captain face, "I am one of the most feared pirates in the world, Porchay. I'm not cute. Cute and I aren't even close."

"By doing this, right now," Chay giggled, "you are making yourself even more cute."

"No respect in this century," Chay heard Kim mumbled under his breath when he turned around and grabbed one of the polaroids at the pen. He turned the Polaroid around and wrote:

Past or the future, I'm always by your side

— your darlin'

"For you. Keep it close," Chay gave the Polaroid to Kim.

Kim took the Polaroid, his fingers gently caressing what Chay wrote. He looked back at Chay, "maybe fondness isn't enough to describe what I feel."

To be continued...

P.S. Captain Kim seems to have a pretty good time in the 21st century so far... 😇

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