'You Blacked Out!'

Start from the beginning

"Mom, what did you just say?"
"I packed you spare underwear"
"No, before that-"
"Your... toothbrush?"
          She took it out of the bag, holding it up for him as if she didn't think he knew what it was. He looked at her with a headache

"No Mom, before those."
"Oh, I packed you spare Pokeballs, they're quite expensive you know,"
          Gekko knew what he heard now, he looked back at the Mr. Mime, it was real, he looked back at his mom, an actual Pokeball in her hand. He couldn't believe his eyes, his ears - Gekko stuck his head out the kitchen window, looking out at a world full of mystical, mysterious, and magical creatures. Pidgeys squawked overhead, Ponytas raced in a far-off field, an Oricorio and Patrat played in the front yard - It was all real.

"Honey! Look at the time, you're late! Head to Professor Cherry Blossom's before you don't get a Pokemon anymore! Go! Go!-"
"Okay- Okay!"
          Gekko grabbed his bag as his mom practically shoved him out the front door, he still thought he was daydreaming. The pollen of nearby Flebebes, the neighboring Rattatas chewing on their fence, shock and awe, it was all shock and awe.

"I love you, honey! And don't forget to get your little pet from Professor Cherry Blossom! It should be nursed by now!"
          Gekko ran off with his mom's words echoing behind him, 'little pet', could it be Wingman? He contemplated asking, but he just had faith.

          He scanned the street signs, they weren't even for the dirt paths these people called streets. They instead pointed to supposed pivotal locations in town. "Cherry Town" The sign suggested. Gekko had played the games before but he couldn't remember ever seeing a 'Cherry Town.' He recognized everything else though, 'Pokecenter', 'Pokemart', 'Professor Cherry Blossom's Lab'. He looked where the sign pointed, already ecstatic to start his adventure, but to his surprise, something stood in the road ahead, not a Pokemon, not just any other person but-

          Gekko ran into Reyna's arms, embracing her, he felt her, her clothes, her skin, he had to make sure it was real.

"You're in my dream too! This is so cool!"
          Gekko still couldn't believe it, he knew this couldn't be real, she couldn't be real, surely not-

"Hermoso, as nice as it sounds to be in your dreams, this is no dream. Not one of mine anyway"
"How do you know?"
"Because I do not dream sobre bestias y animales o... you... this is not one of my dreams. Maybe a nightmare from Fade perhaps?"
"This ain't a nightmare, that's for sure~"
          Reyna raised her brow at him, 'let the boy enjoy himself' she thought. Soon she'd wake up and they'd be back to another day at HQ, assigned another mission to kill another doppelganger, she thought.

          Gekko's backpack rustled with each anticipatory step they took toward the lab. His eyes shimmered as he looked at all the different Pokemon, a Fennekin lighting a Caterpie on fire, a group of Spoinks bouncing in unison, and an ominous green creature soaring past the corner of his eye. It glittered and it- shined as it flew past him.

          Gekko turned around, finding nothing but air, and sparkles in the wind, he knew what that Pokemon was, but he just couldn't remember the name. He knew he would, given time, enough time... for adventure.

"Yo! Wait up!"
          Gekko and Reyna looked back to find a familiar blue-haired speed demon. Running out of breath to catch up to them, Neon jogged to be beside Gekko, leaning on his shoulder as she panted.

"Alright Pikachu, your sweat's getting on my shirt."
          Neon just looked up at him puzzled, the buns in her hair all frizzy, not her usual static look, more drained, more messy. He looked back at her confused for not knowing the first thing about Pokemon: The Mascot. He almost wanted to explain it to her, but excitement took over as the three skittle-colored amigos headed for the lab again.

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