"Yeah.. maybe.."

"I'll be in my office Bob.." my dad calls as he leaves the kitchen, he trusts us both enough to be left alone.. if only he knew. Robert only looks glad he's left us, as he takes a step closer to me..

"Hey.." his tone quickly changing, a lot softer than before.. "Can we talk?"

"About what?" I say as I pop a strawberry in my mouth.

"You know.." he sighs.. "Us.."

"Us?" I ask in confusion my brow pressed together.. "The last time I checked, there wasn't an us Robert.."

"Don't say that.." he takes the plate from my hands, placing it down on the countertop.. I glance over his shoulder to check my dad or my mom isn't around.. "I miss you.."

"Is that what you say to all your fuck buddies?"

"No.." he groans in frustration.. "I meant what I said earlier.. I am sorry for what happened.. I didn't realise that.."

"What? That I'd actually be hurt that you fucked someone else before you came back to our hotel room?"

"I'm sorry.." he repeats, his hands fall down to my waist.. "Just give me another chance to pro-.."'

"I.. I can't.. I.." I cut him off in a stutter.. he decides to move closer to me.. the closer he gets, the more I realise I'm fighting the very strong urge that's overcome me, my hearts telling me to kiss him senseless, but I can't give in that easy.. I have to make him suffer.

"Tell me you don't want this.." he leans in a little closer, his eyes glance down to my lips.. "Tell me that you won't miss the way it feels when I.." his soft lips are brushing against my neck.. I can feel my lower half beginning to tingle as his lips move across my skin..his body presses against me, as he moves us back towards the countertop.. I want him so bad.. but I can't.. I have to push my feelings down, as my head begins to takes control, and my hands are shoving him away from me..

"I'm sorry Robert, I just can't do this.."

"Sophia.. I need to be honest with you.. I need to tell.."

"Robert?!" We suddenly hear calling from the hallway, and we move away from each other as fast as we can.. thank god my dad decided to interrupt us by calling out for Robert instead of just walking in on us.. "What is taking you so long?"

"Sorry man.. just seeing if Sophia fancied a run tomorrow.." my dad soon appears in the kitchen doorway unamused at Robert's slacking.

"And are you going for a run?"

"She's decided against it.. would rather go on her own.. isn't that right Sophia?"

"Yeah.." I pick up my plate of fruit again.. before heading back outside. My heart is aching, my head is hurting from all these feelings. Should I really be that pissed at him for sleeping with someone else? I mean.. we weren't a couple.. but..  still..

I can't concentrate on my book now that I know he's here.. I keep looking back to the house expecting him at some point to make his way outside to sit with me.. like he's done before.. but he doesn't.. by the time I head back in to start getting ready to meet Mason, he's gone home.

"Where's Robert?" I ask my dad as he's busy helping my mom with dinner.

"He's just left sweetheart.. Why? Did you need to speak to him?"

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