Georgia Stanway X Y/N~Why Am I Agreeing To This?~

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Georgia's POV

"Why am I agreeing to this for?" Y/n said with a light chuckle, as I finished setting up everything on the table next to me.

I spun around on my chair, to face my girlfriend, led on the bed, grinning at her as she looked at me, clearly trying not to smile. "Because you love me" I replied before swivelling closer to her, leaning in and kissing her gently.

"That I do. But I must be mad for this" Y/n said as she looked between me and the tattoo equipment all set up on the table.

"Mad for me" I slyly said with a laugh I failed to hold in, my girlfriend smirked at me. "That I am" she then said with another, more cheekier smirk.

"Right, the stencils should have all dried by now. Ready to begin?" I said and Y/n nodded, "Yeah, c'mon then" she replied as I then swivelled back, putting up the tattoo machine, dipping the needle in a bit of ink before making my way back to where Y/n layed.

"I'll get the smaller ones done first before the bigger one, yeah?" I asked and she nodded, "Yeah that's fine"

"Tell me if they hurt though, yeah? I don't want to hurt you, babe" I then said before I began tattooing the first.

"G, these aren't my first tattoos, the rest of my body is covered in them, especially other arm and my back, remember? I can take a few small patchworks. I'll probably fall asleep like I usually do, when having them done" Y/n said with a light chuckle. I shook my head slightly as I carried on tattooing my girlfriend.

After many, many long discussions for months, my girlfriend is finally letting me tattoo her.

A couple of small random patchwork ideas she wanted done, including one of them being a tattoo of my handwriting, saying "Be Lucky".

She asked me to write that for two reasons, first so it she could have my handwriting on her, as well as it being a part of her favourite song, "The Angel" (North London Forever) from her favourite, childhood club, Arsenal.

She's always supported me and my career, but she's a gooner through and through. There's no taking Y/n away from Arsenal.

About ten minutes in, going back and forth between my girlfriends arm and the ink, I looked up before going back to tattoo her, she was out. Completely fast asleep.

I smiled lightly before carrying on with the tattoos. And it did not take all that long before I began the second, then the third, then the fourth, then the fifth and finally the sixth of the small ones.

Once I was happy with them all being done. I came back a little to admire my work on my girlfriend's arm. Smiling widely as I saw her still peacefully asleep.

Literally every time she has ever had a tattoo, which is more than me, so, a lot. She has always ended up falling asleep during them. Y/n's never found having tattoos painful or uncomfortable, in fact, she has always found them the complete opposite.

She finds getting tattoos "relaxing and therapeutic" her words, not mine. She enjoys the feeling of the machine working it's way up, down and all around her body, and just overall, really enjoys the feeling of it.

However, I had to interrupt her small nap, by gently shaking her, and eventually waking her up, to get her to turn around and lie on her front, so that I could then begin the last tattoo, on the back of her other, upper arm.

Rather quickly though, Y/n fell back asleep, this time on her front as I began tattooing my girlfriend again.

This last tattoo took longer as it were a bigger one but still a simple design. It was an outline piece, an outline of a photo of her and her grandad, who died when she were still a kid.

I know she's wanted it done since i've known her. But never got around to getting it done. But now she's getting it done, by me. She's trusting me to do that, and I feel quite special about that. My girlfriend trusting me with her body.

To permanently put something onto her skin that represents a very important person in her life.

It took me probably about an hour or possibly just over to be finally and happily done with the piece.

I really took my time with it as it included a lot of lines here, there and everywhere and some smaller details on certain areas.

But I eventually got it finished, and I looked at it, smiling widely as I admired the work I'd just done on my girlfriend's body. And she was still asleep, peacefully, light snores coming from her mouth.

I cleaned everything up, and put the tattoo machine and other equipment away, and eventually sat back down on the stool. I lightly shook Y/n and then again, causing her to stir before she turned her head, opening her eyes and looking at me.

"Hey, you. All done now" I said as I stroked the back of her head softly.

"Can I get up and see?" Y/n asked tiredly and I nodded enthusiastically, "Of course you can" I replied before she slowly sat up and got up, walking over to the mirror on the wall.

"G, these are perfect, oh my god. Just look at that one, and this one, thank you. Thank you so much" Y/n said before she walked back to me, holding her hands out for me to grab, which I did and she pulled me up from the stool I were sat on.

She wrapped her arms around me neck, leaning down and connecting our lips. "They are perfect, babe. I love you" she said before re-connecting our lips. "I love you too. You're more than welcome. Thank you for trusting me to do them" I said inbetween short, sweet kisses.

Something short and sweet🫶🏼

I'd let G tattoo me tbh. I need more tattoos fr, I only have three right now

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