Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out~

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Quite a different story to me usuals, however, it's a kind of story that I have not seen anyone else write before with woso involved, so here you go.

Hope you all enjoy, it took a lot to write these few chapters of a small book I guess I could call it.

There are a lot of drama, details and heavy topics in this story.

Lucy's POV

"Luce, you ready? everyone's five minutes away" Keira said softly, pulling me out of my trance from staring at my phone as she walked into our kitchen, standing behind me, rubbing my shoulder gently.

"Hm, yeah, yeah" I replied quietly, letting out a soft sigh.

"You okay?" Keira then asked me, concerned. She sat down on the kitchen stool next to me, her hand still on my shoulder.

I looked at my girlfriend, giving her a small nod. But I knew it wasn't convincing.

I could feel the tears threatening to fall, my eyes were burning trying to hold them in.

"Luce, talk to me. What's up?" Keira said softly, resting her head on my shoulder, side hugging me.

"Look at her, Kei" I said, showing the photo of our daughter on my phone. A photo of the three of us, after one of my games at Lyon.

"Look how small she was, Kei. Our little girl, she-she's- she's actually done it. Today's going to make it even more real" I said as the tears I tried to hold in, couldn't be held in any longer.

"Awh babe, come here, sh-sh, come here. It's alright, it's alright" Keira said softly, taking the phone out of my hands, placing it down, and engulfing me in a hug. I buried my head in her neck, wrapping my arms around her waist tightly.

"It's gonna be alright, Luce. She'll be alright" Keira whispered into my ear reassuringly.

"It- it's just, just been so long without her. She's only 17, and this is the longest we've been without her, she'll be off away for months again after a week back. It's a lot, Kei- she's still only a kid, our kid" I mumbled as I cried into my girlfriend's chest.

"I know, I know. But it's what she wants to do. Anytime we've spoken to her since she's been away at training, she's talked about how much she loves all of it, she's talked so highly about all the people she's been with" Keira said, taking a small breath before continuing as she tried to comfort me.

"At the end of the day, we just have to accept our not-so-little girl is starting her life, a bit earlier than what we would have hoped for, but she's doing something she loves, which is what matters most, yeah?" Keira said, gently grabbing my face, making me look at her directly.

I nodded slowly at her as she used her thumbs to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"It's just- it's a dangerous job. The stories of what's happening in the world, she- she could get sent to one of those places, and we can't do nothing about it, we- we have to let her do that- I don't know if I can let our girl put herself into those situations. I'm scared, Kei. I'm scared" I said with a wobbled voice, my lip trembling as I tried to suppress any sobs.

"Luce, I'm scared too. I'm terrified, I see what is going on in the world too. But who are we to stop her doing something she loves as a career? We went through that as kids ourselves. Sure it's not the same job, but people tried convincing us that football wasn't a job, a career for women, and we shouldn't do it. But we did. And if this is what our daughter wants to do, we should stand by that"

"Look, I mean, Y/n's happy, enjoying the start of her career, yeah? She needs our support more than anything. And we'll also have eachother to look after too. We'll get through it all, together, as a family, whether we're all living under the same roof or not, in the same country or not, we'll always have each other, yeah?" Keira finished, I couldn't formulate a response other than a small nod.

WOSO ONESHOTS Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora