Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Trying To Move On 6~

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No-One's POV

"We're done, Ona. Done" Lucy said sternly as she stood at her now, ex-girlfriend's door, the following day after finding out Ona cheated.

"Wha- Luce, what- what is going on? you tex- you texted me saying
this last night, asking me not to bother coming around either, what do you mean" The spanish defender asked confused. Lucy didn't reply but instead pulled out the video, screenshots and photos on her phone, showing them to Ona.

"This is what I mean" Lucy said harshly.

Instantly, Ona's demeanour changed, she looked completely guilty, from her facial expressions and the way her body language changed. She was no longer trying to be touchy and close with Lucy as she stood firmly at the door.

"Lucia" Ona said softly,

"Do not Lucia me. Going to meet your brother, Hm? we're done. I do not want to hear your bullshit excuses. Do not contact me, don't speak to me outside of work, do not ever come back to my place, where my daughter lives. I do not want you around my daughter, at all" Lucy said before swiftly turning around and walking away from Ona's door.

"Luce- Wait!" Ona shouted, but it was no use, Lucy got straight into her car and pulled off Ona's driveway and drove down the road.

Y/n's POV

I'm at Keira's at the moment, watching tellie as Keira is showering and my Mum has gone over to Ona's to finish their relationship.

After Kei told Mum everything last night, and after they'd spoken for a while, they both came into my room and Mum just instantly jumped onto my bed and engulfed me in a colossal hug, with Keira too. And she just kept reassuring me that she does believe me and she's going to sort it all, her and Kei.

Now, I have no idea what she meant by "sorting it all with Kei" because that could mean anything, my guess is sorting her now past relationship, or soon to be past relationships with Ona, and my guess is for with Kei, is to fix their co-parenting thing with me, because it's been messy these last few months.

Keira's POV

I've got Y/n over at the moment as Lucy goes to finish with Ona. And- I, I just can't stop thinking about the events of last night. A lot happened, from telling Lucy what happened, our very long chat, and another thing before we sat with Y/n.

Another thing.

Another thing.

I keep having flashbacks of last night.

Last Night.


"We'll be alright, eventually"

After a while of sitting in silence, With Lucy cuddled back into my chest, she lifted her head up. Looking at me, her eyes raw red and blotchy from how much she'd crying.

It made my heart shatter. She really did not deserve this pain, at all. I'd do anything to take it all away, if I could that would be.

Lucy's arms were still wrapped around my waist, tightly. She was staring deeply into my eyes, and me staring into hers. Her eyes then flickered from my eyes, down to my lips, back to my eyes, before I did the exact same.

Lucy bit her lip softly, looking at me, almost as if she was looking for some sort of approval, I nodded very slowly, as she leaned in, it didn't take all that long for our lips to finally connect, our eyes shutting as we melted into eachother's warm touch.

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