Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out 3~

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August 15th, Day 1 on Operation Pitting.

An hour before we were due to land in Kabul, we'd all been told to don on our protective gear, which consisted of our body amour and helmets.

The only other things we had protecting us was our L85 rifles and glock's strapped to our thighs. That was it, that's all we've got to keep ourselves safe for this operation.

We have no phones, they had to be left home for security and safety reasons. I did get to bring a head camera to attach to my helmet to document some things if I get the chance.

As well as a small instant print camera to stick those instant photos in a journal I brought with me to document this operation, in our downtime, in my own words.

I've got loads of journals at home which i've documented my life in for years, i've got the ones from phase one at home, back in Manchester, as well as the ones from phase two in my room back at Garrison.

I wanted to document my career as much as possible, in the case of if anything happens to me, my family will be able to read my journey, stories and everything else from my very own point of view, where everything is very raw and honest.

The hour passed rather quickly and soon enough we were landing at Kabul's Hamid Karzai international airport.

Landing went smoothly, however, everyone was feeling a bit more on edge now we were officially in Afghanistan.

We have no idea how long we're going to be here for, or how this is going to go down, but one thing we do know, is that there is a shit load of work to get done.

Once we'd landed and it was deemed safe for us to get off the aircraft, we slowly poured off the back of the RAF boeing C-17, as well as dragging endless amount of supplies with us to take to the small military bunker which the British Army have owned in this part of the airport for 15 years or so.

Right now, it was what I can only describe as a ghost town. No other flights were in or out of this country other than us.

The trips back and forth between our the aircraft and bunker was already demanding, in this intense heat. I had a water pack in my backpack, that was already nearing empty, and was going to need filling up soon already.

This heat was blistering. Like nothing i've ever experienced before. I already felt as if I was melting. But there was nothing I could do about that, I had a job to do, and so I just got on with it.

Eventually, we got all the supplies off the aircraft and into our bunker and instantly, I was now in charge of making sure that everyone was feeling okay, making sure everyone was filled up with water and feeling okay.

Usually, on a tour in Afghan, we'd have 48 hours to acclimatise to the weather. However, this was an evacuation operation, which meant we had no time at all for that. We just had to get straight to it and start putting things in place ready for the actual evacuations to begin.

No-One's POV

"Kei- Kei, come here, quick" Lucy said rather panicked, looking at her phone. "What? what's up?" Keira replied, walking across the changing room.

The changing quickly room fell silent as they all looked at Lucy, she had panick all in her voice and all over her face.

"Look-" Lucy said panicked, giving Keira her phone as she then looked what Lucy was seeing.


Ministry of Defence and Prime Minister, Boris Johnson have confirmed that British Armed Forces have been deployed to Afghanistan.

WOSO ONESHOTS Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora