Mapi León X Y/N~You Were Right To Do So~

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No-One's POV

Spain have just won 1-0, V England,   Y/n was devastated to see her England teammates be in such pain and disappointment, María was happy for her teammates, or, former teammates, but she was very sad and upset of the circumstances of the reason as to why she is no longer playing for her country, but she had to do what was right, standing up for her beliefs.

"María, and i'm proud of you for that. You stood up for your rights, and your teammates rights. Every single one of you who chose to not go, I stand by yous as well okay? You were right to do so. I love you so much baby" Y/n said to María as they sat in their Barcelona apartment watching the World cup final on the Tv.

"I know- I know. I'm happy for the girls, they deserve it, but it's sad, it's still sad that he's there with them, celebrating, he shouldn't be there Y/n. After everything he put me, and the rest of the girls through, it's not fair, why is he getting away with it. It- it hurts to see him there, celebrating and acting as if he never put us through absolute hell" Mapi said sadly to her injured girlfriend on the couch next to her.

"I know darling, I know. Hopefully, if you, Pina, Patri, and the other girls keep standing up for change, it will happen, because it's not okay. You have to carry on speaking up and standing up for yourself and your teammates, babe, it'll work out in the end" Y/n said softly, trying to comfort and reassure her girlfriend.

"Are you okay, mi amor?" Mapi asked softly, looking at her girlfriend, led on their sofa with her knee propped up under pillows.

"Sí, i'll be fine, i'm just sad for my girls, they look devastated" Y/n said honestly.

"Sí, i'm sorry you couldn't be there" Mapi said, "It's okay. It is what it is, María, they just need time" Y/n then said.

"Sí. Oh- no- look, Lucy" Mapi then said very sadly, as they looked at their teammate in floods of tears on the floor being comforted by their other teammate, Keira.

"Oh no, Lucy. No- that, that's painful to see" Y/n admitted, seeing one of her best mates absolutely devastated, in complete floods of tears, physically and mentally shattered.

That really pained Y/n, it was something she knew, well, everyone knew, just how much Lucy Bronze wanted to win the world cup, nobody truly did deserve a world cup final victory more than Lucy, she's been through hell and back to her where she is, it's a heartbreaking sight. It is all she wanted, they were so close, yet so far.

Eventually, Mapi turned off the Tv, seeing that Y/n was getting more and more upset seeing her teammates so hurt, and the fact that she couldn't be there to play alongside them.

"Te amo, Y/n" Mapi said as she cuddled closely to her girlfriend. "Te amo mucho, María" Y/n said softly, cuddled into her girlfriend's side.

Short, sad and sweet, winning combo ig

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