Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out 4~

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TW// heavy topics of all sorts in this chapter//series.

Y/n's Diary.

Day 1, August 15th.

Today, we departed RAF Brize Norton to set off to Kabul, Afghanistan, for "Operation Pitting". Right now, it is just us, soldiers, on this operation, the MoD and the government who know about this operation.

However, that is set to change later today, when the Prime Minister will announce that British Armed Forces have been deployed, but keeping most specific details disclosed for security and safety purposes.

I know that once it's announced though, it will not take too long for my parents to put it together and figure out where I am, although, they won't know for certainty, but they'll be fairly sure of it. As I told them to just stay updated on the news.

I never intended or wanted them to worry about me because of the career i'm in, however that's impossible when it's this career, which includes going to war-zones.

But, I'm excited, I don't know why, but I am. It's my first combat operation since becoming a fully qualified soldier. I just cannot help but feel the buzz and excitement of getting to finally put my training to hopefully, good use.

Most normal people wouldn't be "excited" about going to a war zone, but it obviously shows, I am no normal person.

I wanted this job, this career, because I knew that it means making a change. A big change, and this operation is hopefully going to help, change and save hundredths, possibly thousands of lives.

Getting them innocent people out of all that danger and war conflict.

That is something I want to be a part of, something I can also be hopefully proud of, to look back on and say, "Yeah, I was there, and I helped those people out of that place".

And that's one of the main reasons I signed up.

The first two hours of being in Kabul was busy, spending most of it unloading the aircraft with supplies for us whilst we're here.

It was very demanding, as there's loads to do and get done, and in this heat, it's been ten times more hard, it's literally melting hot here. But it'll be worth it in the end, I hope.

To be honest, it was a ghost town for those first few hours. There were no commercial flights coming in or out of Kabul, it was just us and our supplies arriving.

Here are two of the photos I took using the small instant camera, of us boarding the aircraft, and being on board.

Here are two of the photos I took using the small instant camera, of us boarding the aircraft, and being on board

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