Chapter Seven

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Yoongi stares at you with a peculiar expression, one that silently asks what happened between you and Jimin. The morning seemed to zip by in such a quick way that you're still processing everything that's happened.

"It's about time you tell me what's going on." Yoongi prompts while crossing his arms over his chest.

You thickly swallow the lump in your throat before taking a steadying breath. There was a lot you hadn't shared with him about Jimin. To be fair, a lot of it wasn't confirmed until recently, so it's not as if you were hiding anything from him.

"Y/n," He says expectantly, "I don't want to pry, but how Jimin was acting wasn't anything like his normal self. Do I have to be concerned or was this all a miscommunication?"

You exhale a deep sigh. "It's nothing to be concerned about, but I do think there are things I may have overstepped when it comes to his situation."

Yoongi blinks back at you with an even expression. "If it's something you're uncomfortable with speaking about, I'll withhold my questions, but if he ever yells at you like that, I won't be silent."

You contemplate how much you can share with Yoongi. If it had been solely about your experience, then you'd have no issues with it. But the situation, or secret, wasn't yours to freely divulge in. So, you opt to keep your explanation vague.

"Jimin is experiencing a resurgence of something that happened in his past, and it's something he's not necessarily at fault about." You say carefully, watching as Yoongi's brows shoot up with a questioning gaze. He remains quiet as you continue to speak, "I haven't told him about and I feel like it could really help his situation."

He hums his acknowledgement. "Are you comfortable with telling him about your...?" His question trails off as he brings up two fingers to tap the side of his temple, as if gesturing to your inner lie-detector.

You breathe out a small laugh. "He might think I'm insane or lying."

Yoongi shrugs. "Or he might find it pretty cool."

"Did you think it was cool when I first told you?" You counter flatly.

Yoongi laughs. "I thought you were full of shit." He admits through his laughter before, more seriously, adding, "Then I started to really see how you saw through false pleasantries and all the bullshit. It was only then that I realized you were telling the truth."

You exhale another breath. "I should apologize to him."

Yoongi's brows pull together. "Shouldn't he be apologizing too?"

You shrug. "I feel like I started it, so I should be the one to apologize first, right?"

He hums his acknowledgement. "Maybe so, but it's probably best to give it a day or two for you both to take some time apart. I don't want your boyfriend getting mad at you again."

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