Chapter One

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You wake up just before sunrise, sluggishly getting for the day that was ahead of you. After a year of working at the public library, you found your routine to be second-nature. You crafted your routine as carefully as possible to avoid running into people you weren't intending to deal with.

You're usually the first one in the library, opening it up with your co-worker who happened to be an older woman who wore wire-framed glasses attached to a beaded string she kept looped around her neck. It emphasized the severe expression she often wore.

Mrs. Park was quite kind for someone who wore a permanent scowl on her face. You appreciate her candid spirit–always direct with no ulterior motives. Whenever you had a conversation with Mrs. Park, you never heard the ringing sound which was something you valued if you had to see a person daily.

As you enter the coffee shop, you give a nod of acknowledgement to the usual barista, Finn who takes your order. You've become a regular at Siren's Coffee since you started your job at the library. They were the only place open early enough for you to stop in without running into too many people. The last thing you wanted was to start your day off with an overwhelming ringing sound echoing throughout your head. Your need to avoid the crowd was a high priority in your eyes.

"Hey, y/n!" Finn greets in a bright tone. "The usual?" He asks.

You nod your head while offering a small smile in return. 

If it could be avoided, you didn't speak much. It is better this way, or else people will be compelled to carry out a conversation with you, creating an eventual opportunity to hear the incessant lies that they often say throughout their day–intentional or otherwise. However, Finn's bright attitude tends to lean into having a conversation with you regardless of the expression you outwardly wear.

"It's a beautiful day, wouldn't you agree?" Finn asks.


Your expression falls flat as the ringing sound dings in your head.

"It's a day." You reply in an even tone.

A forced smile remains on his face he says, "Listen, I have some spare tickets to this concert." He begins, another sharp ding sounding in your ears as he continues, "I was wondering if you wanted to go together?"

There was a hopeful look on his face, one that immediately faltered as you politely declined his invitation. An awkward tension settles over the two of you as you wait for your order. Finn offers you a warm smile as he places your order on the designated pick-up counter.

As you grab your order, turning to head out the door, you nearly spill your coffee onto someone entering. The guy had looked like he was coming back from a long night out, donning sunglasses and a facemask to hide his features. One glance outside the shops' windows tells you that sunglasses weren't needed, but you weren't here to pass judgment if someone was nursing a hangover.

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