Chapter Five

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"Does it even count if you don't have some enthusiasm?" Jimin teases as you line up your shot at the pool table.

This wasn't your typical idea of fun, but you both had been cooped up in the apartment all day due to the weird storm that spending another night indoors didn't seem appealing even by your standards.

"Pool doesn't need enthusiasm." You counter while eyeing up your shot. "It requires pure concentration and a basic understanding of geometry." You add before lightly tapping the cue ball.

A pleased smile tugs at your lips as you sink in another ball of Jimin's. The point of the game was to sink your opponents balls before they could rid yours from the table. Upon break, you were assigned solids while Jimin was stuck with stripes, and currently, it wasn't looking all that great for stripes.

Glancing at Jimin, he playfully pouts. "I feel like I'm being cheated right now." He grumbles as you walk to the other side of the table to find a suitable shot.

It was the morning after the blackout–a whole twelve hours since Jimin muttered that sentence in his sleep. I didn't kill her. It repeats in your head over and over to the point that you were beginning to scare yourself. It was such an odd thing to say out loud even while dreaming.

You were trying to rationalize what you heard. It could easily be some tormenting nightmare that had him muttering such words. But the other side of you, the one that doubts the kindness of people in general, can't help but think there's more to things. You needed more context before you could decide what you thought about it.

A deep sigh exhales from Jimin's lips. "Are you planning on taking me out fast and quick?"

You breathe out a small laugh. "Quick and painless would be preferable, huh?" You remark with a lilt of humor in your tone. 

He chuckles in response, slowly shaking his head while doing so. 

The place wasn't crowded and, thankfully, what little people were around, chose to remain closer to the bar than the pool tables, giving you some peace of mind. You still weren't sure why this was the place Jimin chose, but judging by the low price of light beer and soju, you figure that was reason enough.

"I felt like a good ol' fashion game of pool is what both of us needed after spending all day indoors." He comments lightly as you line up your shot once more.

It was a tight one, and if you were being honest, it would most likely miss due to his striped ball hiding right behind one of your own.

"Never expected you to be a fan of pool." You remark before taking your shot, failing miserably to sink Jimin's ball.

You debate whether to bring up what you heard last night. A part of you felt like it wasn't necessary. But the other side of you felt like ignoring it would be wrong too. The uncertainty turns your stomach over and over that you exhale a deep sigh.

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