"Greetings, Zizzy." The figure rasped. It's voice gave Zizzy the impression of a 140 year old man that smoked three packets of cigarettes each day for two decades.

"What's going on?" She croaked. The infection was slowly working it's way into her voice, it was becoming more and more of a chore to simply speak.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." The figure said, not answering her question. "I happened to have noticed your predicament, and would like to help you out."

"With all due respect, mystery man." Zizzy replied. "I'm not looking for any deals right now." She turned to leave, but she was stopped by a powerful force. She was turned round, and the figure was drawing his hand through the air like he was painting an invisible canvas, murmuring quietly.

"You're not going anywhere." He growled, flashing her a forced smile.

"I was once like you." The figure said. He had forced Zizzy to sit down, for 'story time'. "Much unlike you, I was quiet and introverted." Zizzy rolled her eyes. This was not the time.

"However, I often felt alone, and made a friend from the great beyond." He said.

"Great beyond." Zizzy enquired. "What do you mean?" The figure ignored her, he turned around, so his back was facing her.

"I started to be like him, in more ways he could imagine." The figure exclaimed. Then, a ring of fire burst into action, surrounding the two of them.

"He wasn't happy about that. And he made it clear!" The figure turned round and felt his stitched face.

"From that moment on, I was no longer human. He gave me that exact face as him, as punishment." He grimaced. Zoey didn't know what to say to that, what kind of creature from the 'great beyond', or whatever that was, would have a face of rotting stitched wool.

"Anyway!" Zizzy barked. "What do you want from me, to hurt me?"

"No!." The figure replied, shaking it's horrifying face from side to side. "You are a great warrior, I could use someone like you."

"Why would I ever join you?" Zizzy demanded. "You're just a creep who spies on people!" The figure's eyes narrowed.

"If I can't convince you, then what about one of your friends." The figure shimmered out of view, and then another figure was formed in his place. Zizzy couldn't believe her eyes, she honestly didn't want to believe it. But her heart allowed her to comprehend it. Pony.

"This isn't real." She told herself. Pony slowly walked forward, his arms swinging at his sides. A blank expression on his face, before he sat down next to her, staring at the floor. Zizzy slowly turned her head to him. Her mouth was dry, but she opened it.

"I know this is just an illusion." Zizzy whispered.

"What do you mean?" Pony said, looking startled. "Where are we." All of a sudden, he sounded like he had broken from a sudden trance. He suddenly jumped to his feet and started frantically staring around.

"I don't know, Pony." Zoey said. "But I'm gonna work through this, I always do." There was a silence as the two of their brains whirred.

"Although I know this isn't the real you." Zizzy said, breaking the silence. "I want to let you know, I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry." Pony sighed, sitting back down again next to her, A look of distant hurt on his face. "I'm barely gonna make it, out here, I've practically brought the rest of the group down with my problems"

"That would be my fault." Zizzy pondered. "I wanted to go and meet settlement six." This was true. Zizzy's eyes clouded with tears.

"It had just been so long since we'd seen other survivors." Zizzy wept. Soon, her shoulders were shaking, her chest heaving. She was sobbing. But Pony rested his hand on her shoulder.

"To tell you the truth, I wouldn't have minded not seeing anyone else's face." Pony started. "If the only face I'd ever see was yours." Zizzy stopped weeping immediately. Her breath caught in her throat, she stood up to face Pony, her cheeks flushing.

"You..You don't mean that." She said, blinking away the tears.

"Of course I do." Pony replied, smiling warmly, and then, leaning forward, he planted a kiss on Zizzy's lips. Neither of them wanted it to end.

"Pony..." She murmured. Breaking away from her, Pony got up and turned around.

"I'm sorry, Zizzy." He said blankly. Inexplicably, Zizzy stood there and watched. She blinked, and when she looked back up, Pony was gone, the figure was there, levitating so it looked like he was leant back. His left hand was outstretched, his palm open. The figure flashed a toothy but calm grin, and beckoned to his hand.

"What do I have to lose?" Zizzy thought to herself. Without hesitation, she got up and advanced to the figure. But then there was a swirling noise.

"Hm?" The figure grunted, looking up. Then, a long, black, oily hand shot out of the portal and grabbed Zizzy by the shoulder, her scream was drawn out, as she was pulled into the portal.

Well, that's that. Now we're onto the true ending of Chapter twelve. I can assure you the date of release will be approximately the 11th of April this year. I guess we hit that pre-May release date after all. We're almost at the finish line, I'll see you there.

Your author

Doctor Fun 

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