The Alleys

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After all this time, we're finally at Book 2. I don't need to say much here, but I hope you love it, blah blah vote blah blah leave a comment blah blah. Without any further ado..let's dive into Piggy a Novel: BOOK 2

It was a swirl of memories. I don't know what it was, but something took me back to this time. When was it? I have no idea. Nine, ten years ago? That wasn't the point. That day, it was a cold, evening in October. Me and Officer Doggy had been assigned this case before. It was to catch the criminal Willow, she'd been stealing form stores all over the place. Before, we'd dispatched sergeant Poley. He had been unsuccessful, so naturally, it was up to us.

"Alright detective!" Doggy exclaimed. "You'd better be right about her being here." We were standing on the opening to an alleyway, out on the pavement, no-one was out. I swore I saw an orange head poke out from behind a dumpster, but whatever it was cleared away. And without any further ado, me and officer Doggy entered the Alleys in search of Willow.

We passed plenty of rubbish bags spilling out of dumpsters that had had the lid lazily shut, leaving it crammed. On our left, was a dirty light brown door with grimy windows. What's more, seemingly lifeless flickering lights were dotted across the buildings that were coming into view.

"Let's make this arrest quick." Doggy said, with a shudder. With a bang, I kicked down the light brown door, and my eyes were met with a kitchen like space, with bare tables and two broken down wooden stools at each end of them. The space where the meals would have been prepared was practically cardboard, nothing was there, it was as though the bustling of a busy restaurant had been sucked dry, and there was nothing to even see anymore. Doggy peered in over my shoulder in squinted in the darkness, quite swiftly, we moved on. The assortment of buildings we came across included, Leo's Laundromat, a washroom, a smaller art gallery than the one across the road, and some living spaces. I glanced at my notes again.

"It seems Rash was also spotted in the area too." I told Doggy.

"I hate that guy!" Doggy growled. "Always causing unnecessary trouble." I was about to agree with him, but then I realised, aren't all criminals always causing unnecessary trouble? None the less, I brushed it off and continued the investigation. Something that caught me off guard, was the pair of binoculars, right outside Leo's laundromat. They seemed to be focused, on a much grander building than the rest, it definitely looked, a living space than the other buildings, but being a police detective, you can never jump to conclusions. And anyway, I wanted to check out that laundromat for a matter of fact. Doggy knocked politely on the door, but after ten seconds of no answer, I busted down another door. The inside was dusty, and smelled musky. One look around the place would give the impression it was abandoned for years; the washing machines seemed to be destroyed, and the sinks were smashed in.

"Check upstairs, Officer." I commanded Doggy. He gave me a quick nod and sprinted up the stairs, taser in hand.

Doggy's feet thudded up the stairs as he came to the top floor, the only other floor actually, and let his eyes scan around the room. He noticed dirty plates and empty bottles of water on the floor, as well as a sleeping bag in the corner of the room, there was even a mattress with brown stains all over it in the opposite corner of the room. There was also a terrible smell. Doggy pinched his nose and made his way over to the window. The curtains were drawn slightly, and he whipped them back to reveal a pair of binoculars, aimed straight at a clearing in the ground maybe twenty feet away. He shivered in the gust of cold October wind that blew in. Doggy tried to follow it's gaze, even attempting looking through the pair himself, but he saw..nothing.

"What a weird guy." He muttered to himself. Doggy started back down the stairs, but just before he went, he cast a glance over his shoulder..well..nothing..once again. His steps echoed once more as he strode down the steps.

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