The Refinery

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If only there was a machine that transmits your thoughts onto a keyboard, which then types itself. Because I don't know about you, I'm exhausted after writing. I know this is like the sixtieth time I've mentioned this. But go check out @owdibewfi88. He truly does amazing work and guess what, I even collabed with him. I'm getting off topic here, enjoy the chapter.

"So This is where they took Zizzy." I announced. Me and Pony were stood before the enormous refinery. Several glowing windows stood out like lanterns in the dark, it was now past 10:00pm, but how could they rest with Zizzy captured.

"Have you been here before?" I asked, turning to Pony He simply shook his head, and replied:

"We've got to sneak in there, the settlement will be there, they'll have us outnumbered 3 to 1."

"Good idea." I said. To get inside the grounds, we had to get past a huge metal gate.

"I brought scissors, just in case." Pony told me, narrowing his eyes at the mere obstacle, he handed the scissors to me, I then cut a small hole in the fence, so we were through. Now inside the grounds, the duo saw massive, ten foot tall oil pumps scattered all around the grounds. So maybe the settlement did more than just steal. The door to the refinery was surprisingly unlocked. We poked our heads inside the room. And nothing was there, but looking to the left. I spotted the bear (Barren) scratching his back and standing in the opposite direction. We Both quietly tip-toed in and quietly shut the door. Pony also handed me a piece of tape and knowing what he wanted, I leapt forward. Barren turned around, but before he could bring up his axe. He was gagged, and knocked over.

"One down, four, no five to go." Pony said, counting on his fingers. The Fox (Felix) was guarding the cafeteria. He came out to see what all the noise was about. But he suffered the same fate. I actually picked up Felix's bat. Just for, you know, protection. Now brandishing a weapon. We only had four left to deal with. Katie, Tigry, Phillip and Willow. Creeping along the corridor. Was a room, named "Maintenance" And it was always good to have maintenance in a building. Inside the building was Katie. She jumped toward us as soon as she saw them. Pony through a smoke bomb on the floor. They were definitely prepared for this. Katie couldn't see where she was..I sprinted in and knocked her out with my newly found bat. Look, when you become a police officer, you learn to not hold back against anyone. Now just Phillip, Tigry, and Willow remained. When the smoke cleared there were just a lot and lot of pipes. Nothing important. So actually all that drama was for nothing.

"Let's just get Zizzy and go." I panted. Pony nodded agreeingly. 

"Wasn't that the original plan?" He said, also out of breath. But when we stepped out of maintenance, a nasty surprise awaited us. Someone was opening the door and stepping inside. Was it Willow, was it and infected, was it...Mr.P? The door rattled even more, then Tigry stepped inside. He caught sight of the intruders, and immediately gave chase. Twin daggers brandished in hand.

"RUUUUUUN!!" Pony yelled, even though he didn't really need to. Just beyond them, where some stairs. So we subconsciously climbed them. Tigry threw one of his daggers, headed right for my left leg. But I luckily pulled it up just in time, and the dagger stabbed into the wall. At the top of the stairs. There were no guards, not a single one. The only other settlement member was Willow, but she didn't seem to be around. Straight ahead of us, was a long corridor. But left to them, was a passageway other the top of the cafeteria, Tigry came to the top and growled. we bolted again in the opposite direction, the daggers just missing us by inches. The other side was composed of a large room, with a wooden gate against the wall. I was beginning to feel the faint taste of blood in my mouth when I saw Phillip was guarding it. Now their were two settlement six members right after them. Next to the wooden gate was a vent, just wide enough for Pony to squeeze through.

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