The Sewers

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Aight, I know this took longer than expected, but hear me out. I really enjoyed writing this chapter, so enjoy, and, yeah, that's it.

The pipes continued to drip, then all of a sudden, everyone in the cell got a shock. In the cell was a sealed man-hole cover, then, someone began to dis-lodge it and was trying to break in. Everyone's eyes were immediately drawn to it. Everyone raised their hands in order to protect themself from whatever it was. Then they got another shock when the friendly, grinning face of Zuzy popped up.

"Hey-O everyone." She said.

"Zuzy?!" I asked dumfounded.

"How did you get there?" Pony asked.

"Are you okay?" Mimi asked.

"We'll explain all that later, for now, we need someone to come down here and help us un-latch the prison door, then we can escape.

"I'll do it." I announced. "Everyone else stay here and make sure nothing looks suspicious." And before anyone could argue with me,I  started to climb down after Zuzy. Below the manhole, was a deep, and murky place. Zee and Zuzy where already there before me.

"We can open up the door in that room, right there!" She said, pointing over to a rusty old door, with a small gap in the top.

"I managed to crawl over and look down on the other side, there was a lock on the inside." Zuzy continued. "We need to find the master key, then we can unlock the door." I was still largely  dumfounded at this, I never actually knew Zuzy was this smart!

"How did you even get here?" I asked, amazed.

"Oh, that was easy, we just found our way through the sewers right from the safe-place." My eyes then flickered over to Zee. She was writing in a book still not speaking a word. Know that I think about it, I wasn't sure if he'd ever heard Zee say a word before.

"Do you know where the key is?" I pondered.

"No, but we're looking for it."

So, naturally the three of us had started down the long, endless corridors of the sewers, to search for the key. The walls were the same colored rust as the door and covered in graffiti. Something about the sewers were un-nerving. The disgusting water were sloshing against the walls. Then, out, in the dark, two bright yellow lights were clearly visible. All three of them stopped right in their tracks. The yellow lights danced around the dark, it looked like two glowing balls flying through the air, what was this, some sort of paranormal activity?
"Get behind me!" I blurted. Zee and Zuzy got right behind me, peeking out scared. Then, the yellow lights focused right from them, one of the yellow lights had a black dot dancing inside it. Something about that eye seemed very, very familiar. Then the lights started to get even bigger, they were getting even closer. Bigger, out of the dark, was a huge bipedal alligator on two legs, holding a rusted pipe, huge jaws, a ripped brown leather jacket hanging of it's dirty torso. At that moment, I was paralyzed with fear. It towered, several feet over me, it got even closer, so it was just a foot away from me, then it started down at me, tilting it's head. Drool dripped from it's jaws and splattered from it's mouth to the floor, then it's jaws opened wide and walked forward.

"RUUUUUUN!" Zuzy screamed. This took the alligator by surprise, we bolted away as fast as we could run, I was much faster than the the twins, and found the original room they were in. Right behind them, a huge hiss could be heard, then the alligator took chase, and it was really fast, it's tail was pointing right up, nearly as tall as it's entire body. He left the door open, when Zee and Zuzy got in just in time. I slammed the door, took the twins and ran, the other way, along the corridor, I didn't stop until he got to another door, creaked it open and got the other two inside. They all breathed heavily, for minutes. When I turned round, he looked at the "Room" we had gotten in. The space was huge, a large lamp huge from the ceiling, illuminating the entire place. There were two sets of stairs running down from the side, down to a place with two more doors on each side. In the middle, was a metal filling gate on the inside, was a rusty electrical box, but it was broken.

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