The Docks (Saviour)

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I have to say this is one of my favourite Chapters of Book 2, I just love the presence and setting of the location. So anyway, here it is.

The Medora pulled up to the docks of Doveport and quickly stopped. The passengers, Me, Budgey, Willow, Mimi, Zee, Zuzu, Georgie and Pony got off. Somehow, the topic of why the fuel had not been brought up, and no-one really seemed to care all that much except me.

"Why did we need all that trouble then?" I had asked Budgie, the captain of the Medora. But she had either simply ignored or had a different subject brought up instead. Something very fishy was definitely going on.

"Well...mateys thanks for getting the..." Budgey's voice trailed off. "Good luck on ye future endeavors." Willow was about to open her mouth to say something, but the something else caught her attention.

"That 'luck' isn't going to help us now, look!" She started angrily. "Tigry's already here." And sure enough, Willow's boat (the one that Tigry had hijacked) was docked up about ten meters away from the Medora. And there was certainly no sign of him. Right ahead of us was a simply enormous mountain covered from top to bottom in snow. And metal workings were stretched around the hill like structure. And right at the top of the mountain was the war between the north military and the infected. Explosions were happening everywhere, it looked like chaos. Not to ideal thing to walk in on after a suspiciously short boat ride. But that was behind them now, Budgey gave one more sad smile before disappearing into the north sea.

"We may as well stick together if we want to all make it there safely." Pony suggested.

"I like the idea." Willow barked. "What's more, the quicker we go, the less time I'll have to spend with you!" Willow briskly walked in a random direction up the mountain side.

"She's gone." I muttered.

"Actually, why don't we split up into two groups." Mimi said. "We can easily cover more ground then." Pony shook his head, but only to himself.

"I'll take Georgie." Mimi said, beaming at him. And she also started up the mountain.

"It'll be just us two again." Pony stated. I followed.

It turned out that the steel workings went deep into the mountain before coming out at the top, and it looked like a good walk.

"Let's get star-." Pony exclaimed. A snuffling noise was heard, a split second later, an infected moose burst out of the shadows carrying a pitchfork. The moose wore a dirty orange ripped jacket, with rugged black shorts. One of the legs had a strange black substance rolling down it. The most notable feature was his right eye. It was orange with a single black dot dancing in it. The eye of insolence was something I knew all too well. Some of the infected had these eyes, and it seemed to almost increase their power.

The moose immediately kicked Pony over to the floor and it looked like it hurt.

"NOOOO!" I screamed. The moose was about to drive it's pitchfork right through Pony's chest, but then it stopped and stared at me, before huffing over. I would have normally been frightened out of his skin, but after seeing my friend hurt like that, my heart pumped my body full of adrenaline. As the moose brought the butt of it's pitchfork down, I sidestepped as the moose's fork clanged to the floor. It turned it's head, but I planted a full kick to it's back, which made it stumble forward and fall headfirst into the water below, causing a titanic splash, just as Zizzy had taught me. Ah..just thinking about Zizzy made my heart twang with guilt. Now onto Pony, he was kneeling down on the floor, clutching his side.

"You have no idea how lucky you are." I whispered. "Being attacked by a creature like that."

"If only we'd stuck together." Pony said, shaking his head.

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