The Temple (Survivor)

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Underneath Kona's lab expanded to something that was quite unexpected. Instead of being just your run of the mill, ordinary laboratory, it turned out to be a huge slab filled temple with torchlit tunnels and walls. I marvelled at the size of it, who knew that a middle aged scientist could pull something like this off, the one thing that gave me the chills, were the unusually large cobwebs that were hung around the place, especially a particularly large one resting in the centre on a ceiling that looked like a housed a bigger creature. Me, Pony, Georgie, Zee, Zuzy, Willow and Robby stared around at the many different corridors leading all over the place.

"So...which way is the exit?" Willow asked anyone who would listen.

"Who knows." I said. "We could get lost in here for hours."

"Wait..Really?" Zee and Zuzy squeaked. 

"He's joking." Georgie whispered."

Soon, the group came to a dead end in the tunnel.

"Now what." Willow said. Robby slowly advanced forward.

"Allow me just a moment." He said. And then, his eyes shot out blue tractor beams and began scanning the area. Then, Robby crouched down and pulled up a Trapdoor.

"Everyone jump down." Robby said, entering the dark trapdoor himself. Reluctantly, Everyone followed. The trapdoor had a ladder on the side luckily, otherwise it wouldn't have been fun falling down a ten foot drop. Inside the corridor was dark, but Robby's right hand turned into a lighter, so everyone could see.

"May I remind everyone to speak in a quietened tone." Robby said, his voice volume having been lowered.

"Why?" Willow hissed.

"There is an unexpected inhabitant living down here." Robby said.

"Unexpected Inhabitant?" I thought. "What could that mean?"

I was soon to find out, as we came to a clearing in the temple and a huge iron door with steel barricades, even a tin foil barricade for good measure. Above the door in a glowing sign, said the work 'EXIT'

"Kona barricaded the exit in case someone broke in through the exit." Robby told everyone. Maybe Kona wasn't as bright as everyone thought. It seemed all was lost, until Robby pressed a button on his right arm, and all of a sudden, his forearm retracted, and out came out a large power saw, about two feet long.

"Unfortunately." Robby said. "Kona lost the key a long time ago. We will be forced to use brute force."

 I decided to take a look around the place as Robby messed around with his power saw. Eventually, Robby's saw came on, silently, and began cutting away at the thick metal door. But something else I noticed, right into the corner of one room, I saw something scuttle around, then that thing jumped onto a wall, before leaping onto a massive spiderweb. The creature was a king sized, black, hairy, eight legged arachnid. A spider! I jumped back and gave a yelp of fear. Robby was caught by surprise when she saw this.

"I don't believe it, Bridella's still down here."

"Who names a Spider, Bridella." Willow snorted.

"I'm pretty sure Mimi named it." Robby said, not taking his eyes off the spider. Bridella then spotted a plump rat on the floor, then she pounced forward and everyone watched as Bridella wrapped it up, and in typical spider fashion, swung back to her web and sank her fangs into the rat. Pony covered Zee and Zuzy's eyes before this. Bridella sucked the rat dry, then the lifeless corpse fell to the ground. Meanwhile, Robby was making progress with the door, he was about a third of the way to making a person sized hole in the door.

I then proceeded to watch curious little Georgie, walked over to a small, round cotton ball that lay underneath Bridella's web. Pony quickly noticed what was going on.

"Georgie NO!" He yelled, his voice echoing. "That's an egg sac, don't touch it." It was too late, Georgie poked the egg sac with his finger and it fell backward, a sharp growl could be heard from the web above as hundreds of baby spiders crawled out.

"GAAAAHH!'' Georgie screamed, running away. 

"Oh No." Robby said. He was fifteen seconds away from finishing making a hole in the door.

Willow then started stamping on one after one, which made Bridella drop onto the floor, and race toward Willow, but she did a roundhouse kick to the spider, causing it to fly to the ceiling, it latched on upside down and shot web after web at Willow.

"Willow!" Robby yelled. "Don't hurt her! She's just an insect!"

"Nice work." Pony yelled over the panic and frustration. Willow pulled the webs away from her hair and retaliated by smashing the spider to the other side of the room with a sharp blow. Robby finally finished cutting a hole in the door and moved to the side as a slab of metal fell out of the door and landed on the ground with a loud THUD.

"Everyone out!" Robby yelled. Our group wasted no time getting the hell out of there and one by one, made out way through the door. Robby cast one look over his shoulder before stepping through the door and pulling up the slab of metal so it fit perfectly back in place. And after he applied some strong glue, it was like no one had ever cut a hole in the first place.

Afterwards, We made our way to the top of the lab and came in contact with a freezing blizzard, Me and Pony had our shirts pulled up to protect our faces. Poor Georgie was turning even more pink in the cold. Eventually, we made it to a flat landscape with a snowy path leading ahead.

"You know." Robby said, his robotic voice cutting through the air. "I think I'm going to make a decision for the best." I turned around. 

"What's that?" I asked. Robby suddenly froze in the snow and knelt down, until he was eye level with Zee and Zuzy.

"This mission is far too dangerous for young children to be embarking on." Robby said. Georgie sighed, knowing where this was going.

"Georgie, Zee, Zuzy." Come back to the lab with me. "It's far too dangerous out here." Zee and Zuzy easily agreed, but Georgie sighed, before going with Robby.

"I wish you three the best of luck." Robby said. "Never forget why you're here." And then, the four of them turned around, and disappeared back through the snow. Me, Pony and Willow were suddenly left all alone.

"Great." Willow said. "That Robot staying with us was the one thing this group had going for it. Now he's gone." Willow stormed ahead, as me and Pony walked behind her.

"Hey, can I ask you something." I told Pony.

"Shoot." He said.

"Have you noticed we get nearer and nearer to the cure, the more infected show up."

"Yeah." Pony said. "That's a little strange. Almost like someone's pulling the strings or something." We left that revalation to ourselves as we continued forward, into the snow.

Just on the peak of the hill, was the dark figure, who looked strangely similar to the other one. And his army had expanded even more, there were hundreds of them, all in a line. Many of them were even more muscular armed than the original five were, many small ones were growing steadily. What's more, The original five were now nearly the same height at the figure, just a few inches and they'd be on par. With identical long limbs.

"It's almost time." The figure whispered. "Almost time."

Well, now we're picking up momentum aren't we. Three chapters completed. And the story only gets better from here. I'm excited to show you the last two chapters of Piggy Book 2, I hope you'll enjoy them. That's all for now.

Your author

Doctor of Fun

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