The Port (Saviour)

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And here we go, the second half of Piggy Book 2, wow, has it been that long already. Anyway, allow me to address the Elly in the room. I have been off for some time, and simply, I'm back. Sometimes I need time off, and that's just that, but anyhow, enjoy this chapter.

I watched Willow stride grimly up to a thin, narrow, concrete harbor like plank. Everyone else right behind her. After the incidents of the factory. We had ventured up north, which included me, Willow, Mimi, Pony, and Georgie, Zee and Zuzy, however we had to leave Giraffy behind because of his injury from Willow's very gun. (Which had been discarded ages ago). He was being looked after by other members of settlement six. I wasn't exactly comfortable with this, but it was better than dragging him on the adventure. Speaking of which, we were heading up north to the military, to A, find William, Willow's younger brother. And to B, hopefully find a cure to the raging infection.

"I'd love to take you across the ocean." Willow announced sarcastically. "But that tactless Tiger took my boat." No one knew what happened to Tigry. He had fled ages ago at the factory into the woods.

"How about we activate that lighthouse over there?" Mimi asked. Everyone turned their heads to look. Sure enough, a tall, red and white lighthouse stood out in the port, the colossal light was off, but Mimi the tech genius would surely be able to work it out.

"We'll split up." I said. "I'll go with Mimi and Pony to the lighthouse. The rest of you stay here and watch out for a boat. Georgie tutted sadly, he was always being singled out. Too young to go on any adventures, but too old to have any fun. While we took off, Willow stayed behind and leaned against one of the metal railings on the deck. She close her 

The night of the incident

It was a horrifying scene, Willow and William were powerless to what was happening. Her mother and father were being taken right away from them. Their father tried to escape.

"Noooo." he yelled. "I won't leave my Willow and William!" Willow had tears in her eyes

"Daddy, NO!" William babbled.

"NO!" their mother cried. There was a lot more screaming. It was the worst feeling ever. The young girl knew her parents had been getting involved with shady business with thug looking men outside the pub, but she never knew it would get this bad. Willow opened her eyes. Twenty three years later, she never knew things would be this bad all this time in the future.

Meanwhile, Me, Pony and Mimi were on the case to get this lighthouse working again. The port was on half of the town, the other half was similar to that of the city, involving me, Pony and Zizzy's first adventure together. I sighed, even thinking about Zizzy hurt. The road was covered in abandoned cars with scrappy looking paint on it. The buildings were tall with countless windows in them.

"So...How are we going to get there in the first place?" Pony asked. It was a burning answer though, the lighthouse had been locked.

"I already know that." Mimi fussed. "It's worked out in my head." And with that, she produced a jet black grappling hook from her coat.

"We'll get atop the tower and simply grapple over." The plan was actually quite good. The tallest tower in the port was a large blue one with a pointed spire at the top, sticking out towards the clouds. The building was almost as tall as the lighthouse. It wasn't visible right now, as it was night. But something strange happened when we got near to the door, the wooden door swung wide open as though to welcome them in, and the weirdest part was a fraction of a second before it happened. I felt a strange whistling noise and then a chill down his spine. Although, there was no strong wind that day. And even if there was, it wouldn't happen so suddenly.
"Did you guys feel or hear that?" I asked them, as the entered the building.

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