The Port (Survivor)

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Here is the second version of the Port, not much to say except sit back, relax and enjoy.

I watched Willow stride grimly up to a thin, narrow, concrete harbor like plank. Everyone else right behind her. After the incidents of the factory. We had ventured up north, which included me, Willow, Pony, and Georgie, Zee and Zuzy, however we had to leave Giraffy  behind because of his injury from Willow's very gun. (Which had been discarded ages ago). He was being looked after by Mimi, who we also had to leave behind. Speaking of which, we were heading up north to the military, to A, find William, Willow's younger brother. And to B, hopefully find a cure to the raging infection.

"I'd love to take you across the ocean." Willow announced sarcastically. "But that tactless Tiger took my boat." No one knew what happened to Tigry. He had fled ages ago at the factory into the woods.

"There has to be some other way across the ocean." Pony reasoned. But simply glancing to my left gave me an idea.

"How about we activate that lighthouse over there!" I called.

 Everyone turned their heads to look. Sure enough, a tall, red and white lighthouse stood out in the port, the colossal light was off, but I'm sure I could work it out.

"We'll split up." I said. "I'll go with Pony to the lighthouse. The rest of you stay here and watch out for a boat. Georgie tutted sadly, he was always being singled out. Too young to go on any adventures, but too old to have any fun. While we took off, Willow stayed behind and leaned against one of the metal railings on the deck. She close her

The night of the incident

It was a horrifying scene, Willow and William were powerless to what was happening. Her mother and father were being taken right away from them. Their father tried to escape.

"Noooo." he yelled. "I won't leave my Willow and William!" Willow had tears in her eyes

"Daddy, NO!" William babbled.

"NO!" their mother cried. There was a lot more screaming. It was the worst feeling ever. The young girl knew her parents had been getting involved with shady business with thug looking men outside the pub, but she never knew it would get this bad. Willow opened her eyes. Twenty three years later, she never knew things would be this bad all this time in the future.

Meanwhile, Me, Pony  were on the case to get this lighthouse working again. The port was on half of the town, the other half was similar to that of the city, involving me, Pony and Zizzy's first adventure together. I sighed, even thinking about Zizzy hurt. The road was covered in abandoned cars with scrappy looking paint on it. The buildings were tall with countless windows in them.

"So...How are we going to get there in the first place?" Pony asked. It was a burning answer though, the lighthouse had been locked.

"I do have an idea." I promised. "You see, all we need to do is grapple up the side of the lighthouse and activate it. Simple!" 

"Except, how exactly are we grappling up the side, without a grappling hook?" I was about to scrap the plan, when all of a sudden, I spotted countless crates filled with supplies in an alleyway.

"Have a look in there, you never know, we might get lucky."

Pony immediately started rummaging around in the crates, and I could hear his mumblings of, "A crowbar won't be helpful", and "Don't need this." The process carried on for several minutes, before I heard Pony announce "A-ha!" He walks over to me, with his hand containing a grappling hook.

"What did I say?" I said playfully. Next, I stood right in front of the lighthouse, looked up to the top, unable to make out entirely because of the night sky.

"Here goes nothing." I sighed. I aimed the grappling hook upwards and pulled the trigger, a second later, a rope shout out with a bang and hurtled upwards, before a clanging noise could be heard maybe 30 feet up. I tested my weight on the rope, before turning around, flashing Pony a thumbs up before pulling the trigger again. In an instant, the rope began to recoil, yanking me upwards without warning. With my heart beating a hundred beats a minute, I was pulled upwards and eventually reached the top, where I could see the hook well..hooked around one of the railing. I looked down and my stomach did a flip, it was a nasty fall. Using my core strength, I pulled myself over the other side of the balcony and retrieved the grappling hook, before turning round to see the massive lamp like object that was the light. Afterwards, it wasn't too hard to figure out to turn on, soon, it blinked to life. It then rotated round until it beamed at the sea. Using the grappling Hook, I climbed over the railing and grappled back down to safety. Me and Pony gathered back at the docks, and boom! Our plan had worked. A large red, white and black boat was pulling into the docks. A piece of text was engraved into the side, saying 'The Medora'.

"Hello, is anyone there?" I called out into the twisting fog that entwined the boat like a sheet.

"WHO GOES THERE!" A masculine like voice booms. The group was taken aback. A shadowy figure jumped off the ship as it halted, and walked out into the limelight. The figure that came out looked exactly like a pirate. With a black pirate hat and coat, a metal cutlass, brown leather boots, green sleeves, even a hook.

"Avast ye filthy landlubbers, My name is captain Budgie, captain of the Medora! Was it you who turned on the lighthouse?" The figure cried, clearly indicating a pirate accent too.

"Ummm." Pony began. "Yes?"

"If there's something you want to say." Barked Budgie. "Say it!" Willow stepped in.

"We need your help!" She said, impatiently. The figure then shook it's head.

"Blimey, you want to board MY ship, and ask ME for help, gosh, this isn't a charity." Budgie then turned around and started back to her ship.
"We don't have time to waste." Willow said impatiently, tapping her foot on the ground rhythmically. "We need to get across the North Sea, and fast."

"Sink me!" Budgie cried, his eyes  Across the sea? On the ? You have lost your minds! We aren't going anywhere. I used what fuel we had left to dock here.

"Hold on, Why is your name Budgie?" I asked. Budgie stopped and thought for a moment, then he laughed aloud and was a good twenty seconds before explaining.

"Ye see." She said. "When I was just a little missy, my parents took me to a zoo, and before they named me, a budgie came and landed right in my head. So they named me Budge. An unusual name, Yes, I know! But the story doesn't stop there, my surname is Goodman, so my name sounds like Budge.G, Budgey, hence, Budgie!" She then cracked up with laughter, only pausing to wipe the tears from her eyes. Willow, who had become mightily frustrated at this point, tapped her foot on the floor, and steered the conversation back to the main point.

"Hilarious." She joked. "Now, we don't have time to waste, we need to get across the north." Budgie stopped laughing and turned serious.

"I already told you." Budgie sighed. "I have no fuel left in me tank."

"Well..Well, don't you have any spare fuel?" I asked bewildered at such an answer. Budgie shook her head again and tutted.

"Yes, but it be impossible to get to it." She spoke. "Ever since those blasted infected invaded my ship, they've been a nuisance to my crew, it's just me left now, I had to seal my infected crew down lower." I could feel her sorrow, he knew what it was like to lose friends so close it felt like family.

"Alright, let me go down there." Willow barked. "If they saw what I could do to them, they'd fear me." Budgie immediately fired back with a response.

"Well, if you really want to do it." Budgie sighed. "Good luck scallywags, I'll unseal the decks, don't feed the fish down there."

Aaaand, that's another wrap. I tried to make this one as different as possible to make it different to someone who wasn't reading only one storyline. The next chapter will be either this week, or next week. That's all for now

Your Author

Doctor of Fun

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