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|Extra Guest|

The phone call with my father was unpleasant, to say the least. He was not happy to hear about me being out without his consent. Even with Ace, he still wanted me to stay indoors. Moreso since the shooting happened at the exhibition. It was a dreary way to live, but I couldn't blame him for the way he felt on the matter. With Ace's car blowing up to smithers, someone was out to get to my family. The worst part is we couldn't tell who.

Instead of my father picking us up, he sent one of his many drivers as we sat in silence. Ace was still worried about his very nice car. I felt bad because it was my fault this happened. If we had never gone outside, he'd still have his precious vehicle. Not to mention if we had been in it that would be the end of both of us. After such a touching moment, disaster had to follow right after. It is such a waste of a trip.

Ace looked over at me with a confused look on his face. I wasn't panicking about this like I should be. Though I had my reasons for not doing so. Ace couldn't seem to understand why I was so calm when we could have almost died. I guess it was just part of my life as a Helix.

"You freak out about a kiss, but not a literal car, that you could have sat in, blowing up?" He questions.

I shrug, texting back and forth with Tana as we head home. "This sort of thing happens a lot to my father," I say. "He just gets a new car and calls it a day."

He scoffs. "Of course he does. The man is made of money." He argues. "I don't even care about the car as much as I care about almost being dead. This is your life we're talking about Reign."

"It's all a part of being a Helix, I guess."

That wasn't the answer he liked but it's true. What my dad has got himself into has always put our lives at risk. Look at what happened to my mom. She knew the risks of dating my father and that never changed her opinion. This was something I've grown accustomed to even if I didn't agree with it. It sounds bad when you think about it, but it also wasn't out of the ordinary. This happens all the time. Maybe there needed to be some rethinking done.

Ace chuckled but in a rather pointed way. "This shouldn't be something normal to you Reign," he argues. "It's serious and you of all people should understand that."

"And I do but I can't help what I'm accustomed to." I truly couldn't.

He turns to me with a very serious look in his eyes. A look I haven't seen from him yet. "But you can change it." He spoke. "You're telling me you want to live like this forever?"

I haven't exactly thought about it that way. Being this way was fine for now but what about when I'm out of high school? This was my senior year and I have yet to decide what I want to do with myself. There's no way I was continuing with my father's endeavors. I wasn't built for this life like he was. I also didn't want to marry someone just so they could take over his business either. That'll just leave me stuck in the same position I'm in now. What exactly did he expect though? This is the life I was born into.

Before answering him, we arrived at the house where my father was waiting for us judging by the car outside. I was in no mood to talk to him about why we were out of the house, but despite the car blowing up, I had a great time. The cotton candy was great. Getting the kiss ordeal off my chest was even better. Coming home to an angry father was not in my cards for tonight. That wasn't all he had in store for us though.

As soon as we walked in, there he stood pissed that we were gone. That didn't catch my attention as much as the two people standing next to him did. The ones who looked at me as if I were the problem. Especially Hailey. She hated my guts for some reason, and I still couldn't pinpoint why. Regardless, why they were here disturbed me. I don't understand what my father was up to, but it was something to annoy me.

Bodyguard: Ace CainWhere stories live. Discover now