Chapter 9

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- - The day of the incident (2:29pm)... - -

"So we're just going to ask you a few questions and we want you to answer them truthfully, okay sweetheart?" The male officer stated.

"Don't call me sweetheart, It's patronising."

"I- okay let's get started."

I was currently in the police station and all they claim they want is to ask us questions about what happened and if we know anything. Kayden is in another room being questioned by two other officers, one of them being the female officer we drove here with.

The other officer in the room with me had a notepad, I'm guessing to write my physical and verbal responses to the questions that were about to be asked to me.

"Where were you at 8:30 this morning?"

"I just arrived at school with my brother."

"What time did you set off?"

"Around 6am..we have to set off early since it's a two hour walk to school."

"How was your relationship with your mother?"

"Carla." I corrected him. "Shit." the officer raised a brow, as if telling me to continue. "She abused me. Looks like karma finally set its course." my voice was dull, not a single care evident in my body language, voice, eyes, or even mind.

"Do you know anybody who would want to hurt your mother?" the male officer asked. I stayed quiet for a while, thinking.

"You mean Carla." I corrected him, again.


"Her husband, John-"

"Your stepdad?"

"No, her husband, John, did say something about 'killing that stupid bitch for what she did' in his words. He said something about murdering her but he said that last night to someone... I'm not sure if it was them in an argument or him saying it to someone he knew."

"Did you kill Carla?"

I looked him dead in the eyes. "No." I wish I did, bitch deserves it after everything she did to me.

"How do you feel about her death?"

"She deserved it. I couldn't care less, I won't shed a tear for that bitch, never have, never will."

"What happened to your hand.." I can't tell if he paused or I zoned out, lost in thought, "Kayla?" his voice sounded like he was under water.

I looked up at him from my lap, realising he was talking about the badges wrapped around my left hand. "The worst thing she ever did to me... other than mentally and emotionally scar me. The rest of the abuse was tolerable but this... too far."

- - - -

Why are you like this?

You're so ugly.

You're so stupid.

You're pathetic.

No one loves you.

No one ever did.

You don't deserve to be loved.

I don't deserve happiness.

You should just die already.

That's what they all said anyways, the girls from your last school who bullied you. They were right to bully you.

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