Chapter 7 - Blake

Start from the beginning

Two hours and four drinks later, Cam is bubbly and laughing at everything, dancing in the middle of club, being passed around by the guys.

I'm still sitting in the same spot as before, nursing my one drink i've had.

I'm keeping my eye on her, watching the guy's hands. One wrong move and someone's getting punched.

Tess gave up on getting me in bed with her thirty minutes ago and is now making out with some college frat guy against the wall.

I flick my gaze back to Cam just in time to catch some guy — looks like frat guys friend actually — putting his hand on Camden's ass.

I shoot up instantly, startling the people still sitting around the booth, but I ignore them and walk forward until i'm pulling Cam away by her waist and sizing this guy up.

"Hey what the- Blake! Oh I missed you, buddy! Let's dance." She tries to move but I hold her in place while i glare at this son of a bitch who put his hands on her.

"The fuck is your problem? We were dancing." Frat guy says, puffing out his chest.

"My problem is you taking advantage of drunk girls." I snarl at him.

That gets Ryan's attention from a few people away and he walks over.

"What's this, then?" Ryan says, looking down at frat guy.

The guy seems to finally understand just who he's messing with, because his eyes show a trickle of fear.

"Hey man, I was doing anything wrong. That bitch has been dancing with everyone, being passed around like some whore. I was just trying to get some of that." He says.

I chuckle before letting go of Cam and punching this guy right in his fucking mouth.

He immediately falters, blood spraying from his mouth as he yells out and hits me square in the eye.

Motherfucker that hurt.

I jump on him, pummelling his body, when Ryan pulls me off him. I turn to yell at him because he fucking heard what this bitch said about Cam, but it seems we're on the same wavelength because he takes my spot and starts punching his ribs. I help him by holding down his arms so he can't get in any other hits.

It takes four of our teammates to pull us off the guy, and his fucking pathetic excuses for friends show up to help him get to his feet. The guy immediately turns to us and hits Ryan in the mouth, and lands a good punch to my jaw.

My head snaps to the side, and i'm about to punch him again when the bartender rams into us, sending frat guy down again, yelling at us to get out. The guys push us out the door, but I hold my ground, grabbing a very pouty Camden by the waist, and spitting on frat guy's body, before finally leaving.

As soon as we get outside, Ethan pushes me angrily. "What the fuck was that? You're our captain! You can't be beating people up at a bar you're not supposed to be at. The fuck were you thinking?" He yells at me.

I suck my teeth and grit out, "He put his hands on Cam and said shit about her. I wasn't about to stand by and watch it happen."

Ethan somehow gets angrier at my words. He turns to look at the door we just came out of. "That fucker better have left, before I go in there and finish what you started."

I nod at him, glad he's not a complete idiot.

Ryan spits out blood on the ground and rubs his open knuckles. "Man, I love a good bar fight." He smiles, showing us his bloodstained teeth.

I roll my eyes and turn to the sleepy girl leaning against my car. I say my goodbyes to the guys, tell Ryan to ice his hand, and dab him up for having Cam's back.

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