Chapter 41

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Y/n's POV

"ADAMM ADAAAM!! Damn it, where is that brat hiding again!" I grumbled angrily flying through the air. That holy son of a bitch always disappeared and left me looking for him. He was probably fucking someone. I thought to myself, rolling my eyes. When I found him flirting with a cute girl on the side of the road. I quickly flew down to the two of them and grabbed Adam by his collar from behind. He croaked slightly as his own collar slightly cut off his breath. "What was that bitch!!?" he asked with effort. I threw him on the ground in front of me. "Listen to me, you little rat! I'm tired of chasing after a constantly flirtatious, know-it-all angel." "Then just quit." He suggested with a shrug, making me laugh indignantly. "You think I can just quit!? Oof." I did and tried to calm myself down. I folded my hands together in front of my chest and spoke calmly to the Human. "Listen, Adam. I know we don't exactly get along well and-" "Yeah, you're right." He interrupted me which made my eye twitch. "And even though I'm so annoyed of you, I want to make a deal." He eyed me calmly and raised an eyebrow. "You can do anything you want all morning, all night. You can talk to anyone, make out with anyone and fuck anyone. Just please be at all your appointments on afternoon." I begged him and he started to think. He got up from the ground and I had to look up at him a bit. "Hm, I don't know... Should I sacrifice my afternoon for you." my eye started twitching again. If he says no now. "No, I don't mind what you're saying, I'd rather do what I want," he laughed and was ready to take off again when I grabbed him by his wings and dragged him to Sera. "SERA!" I called her and she immediately noticed us. She flew over to us and eyed us in confusion. "Y/n what's this going to be?" She asked confused and I stood Adam upright again. "Sera, I don't want to play babysitter for him anymore. He refuses to come to the meetings and doesn't listen to me or let me finish-" "Sera! Y/n is completely crazy, she's following me everywhere Kind of hit but also god damn scary." He complained which made me look shocked. "WHAT!" I growled angrily, my breathing becoming more and more rapid. Sera looked at me nervously and put her hand on my shoulder. "Adam Can Y/n and I talk alone for a moment?" she asked over my shoulder, to which Adam hissed happily. "That lousy-." "Y/n.." Sera interrupted me loudly but still in a gentle voice. I saw to the ground and decided to listen to her. "Y/n I know it's difficult with Adam but don't let yourself be provoked. If you get too upset about his creation the others could see you as a threat and you'll end up like your brother..." she put her hands around my cheeks. "Y/n, I don't want this to happen to you too..." I slapped her hands away in shock. "Why shouldn't I get upset, huh? So that none of the rest of you have to watch Adam? If you're that worried about me then let Roo look after Adam." I complained, crossing my arms over my chest. She looked nervously at the floor. "That's not possible, you were chosen from above." She replied which made me laugh in annoyance. "Then tell those at the top that I'm not in the mood for it anymore. That Human in front of the door is the biggest scapegoat and lustful idiot, how did he even make it up here!!?" I finally said indignantly, but Sera just shrugged her shoulders, not knowing. I heard light flapping wings towards the door as it opened and Roo came through. Together with Adam and Lute. Lute was one of the heavenly guards who made sure that everything up here stayed clean and pure. However, she is a little too invested in her job, which sometimes made me suspicious. "Roo what are you doing here?" I asked confused at seeing my sister. "Y/n could you just go outside the door? We have something important to discuss with Sera.." I raised an eyebrow and then briefly aahed at Sera who then nodded. I unfolded my wings and rose into the air. I intentionally bumped into Adam on my way out of the room and then grinned about it when I got to the door. "have fun you guys." I said and flew to the edge of the sky. I sat right on the edge and looked down at hell. For whatever reason, every time I sat here I had the hope that I would see Lucifer from above. It was impossible due to the distance but I still tried and hoped for it. Sweet giggles and fluttering wings sounded behind me. Little cherubs flew to me including a little boy, a lamb and a sheep. They flew a few circles around me and made me grin. "You're so close to the edge again Y/n." remarked the yellow glowing lamb with some concern. "A-Aren't you afraid of falling off???" asked the blue glowing sheep. "Nahh, I have wings." I said, fluttering around with them in amusement. They also laughed a bit and the little boy flew right in front of my face and squeezed it a little so that I had to pout. "I see a little pain in your eyes. Something happened??" I shook my head. "Everything's fine sweeties, but thank you." I smiled and now the other two flew right in front of my face. "We don't believe you!" They all said slightly intrusively, whereupon I fell back into the grass. "Okay, what do you want to hear. My brother is a fallen angel, I have to watch out for the first moody man and I was just told not to complain because otherwise I'll end up fallen too." I let myself out, although I should have left out the last part. "Really? Y-You're at risk of becoming a f-fallen angel?" the sheep asked worriedly. The lamb hugged my face because she was really small. "Don't worry, you'll get through this. We believe in you." The lamb said sweetly, whereupon the others hugged me too. They all said sweet things to cheer me up and lay down on the grass next to me. After a while, someone suddenly cleared their throat and I looked up overhead. "Rooo!" I was happy and then looked next to it. "Adam." I hissed, annoyed. "Y/n come with me, we need to talk to you for a moment." I rolled my eyes. "How many times I've heard that today." I said and flew after them. We arrived at a not so busy place and Roo folded her hands with a strong look before calmly looking up at me. "What do you want." "We want you to know that we will be conducting an extermination in Hell once a year." my mouth fell open in shock. Did she really just say that? Behind Roo, Adam looked down at me in shock, grinning. I became angry. "What the FUCK Roo!!?" I shouted which now made her angry. "Stop cursing Y/n, you're already on the edge anyway, I don't want to have to wipe you out too if you fall." She said rolling her eyes and I looked at her a little hurt. "Am I a burden? Is that what you're trying to tell me?" I asked angry and hurt. She folded her arms over her chest, untouched. "Yes, quite a bit." She then grinned falsely and Adam and Lute shook their fists. "Fuck you Roo. You're by far the worst sister no wonder why I've always liked Lucifer the most!" I hissed. "Then do heaven a favor and follow him!" That was enough for me and I took to the skies to fly down to hell. Tears streamed down my face and someone stood in front of me. "Y/n hey, take it easy.." Adam said. I looked at him confused but then pushed him away from me. "Fuck off, bastard! Your existence has taken everything from me! My brother, my sister, my patience, my time!!!" I grumbled angrily. He looked at me worriedly and put his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry Y/n. I didn't mean any of this and I didn't know that I would hurt you like that..." he said, whereupon I frowned at him. "At first I thought you wouldn't mind if I wasn't there every now and then-." "What kind of-" "But! I see it now. I see you Y/n-." he gently took my hands in his. "Come back up with me. Roo didn't mean it. She's got a lot going on at the moment. Nobody wants anything bad from you, we're just worried because you're still so attached to your brother." He said calmly which made me immediately pull my hands out of his. "Why shouldn't I? My brother didn't do anything wrong! He just did what he wanted and was punished! Why is everyone picking on him like that!!-" "No! No, I don't. That's just what the others do told me." he tried to calm me down. "Bullshit you motherfucker." I said giving him the middle finger and flying back up to the sky. "I'm not in the mood for this manipulation shit." I said and flew to my room. There I sat thoughtfully at the window when suddenly there was a knock on my door. "Y/n?" my sister's voice asked. "Go away." I said harshly but she came in anyway. "Don't be mad at me.. Please Y/n I didn't think about what I was saying before.. I'm so stupid I didn't mean to hurt you. I only realized what I said after you flew away mad." she tried to talk to me. "Yes you didn't." I said ironically and turned my head to her. "You're all so pathetic. You follow the rules like little dogs craving a treat. You're pathetic and now you want to cause a mass panic in hell!" I said angrily, whereupon Roo exhaled slightly. "Y/n you don't understand. Hell attacked us!" "What?" I asked, laughing in disbelief. "When?" I grinned with a raised eyebrow. "Last night... I didn't want to tell you about it, but we just want to protect heaven. The sinners wouldn't hesitate to kill us, so why should we?" "Because we're against senseless killing, perhaps?" I said indignantly. "Yes, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way anymore. We also remain of the opinion that these sinners also attacked our brother." I opened my eyes. She nodded at my gaze and I looked at her worriedly. She hadn't called Lucifer our brother for a long time. "He was hurt and Lilith and he had to dive." I saw her worried, holding a hand over her mouth. "We have to help them!" I said standing up. Roo took my hands in hers and looked at me approvingly. "Yes! That's why we fly down there and kill the disgusting sinners who threatened our brother!" I thought about it, then nodded slightly. "But I won't come with you." I decided, which made her look confused. "Why that?" "I want to not let any sins weigh on me. Please help Lucifer.. But without me..."

"Aaaand that was my story with Adam. I slipped a bit at the end, but who gives a shit." I said in a whisper and looked around. Charlie and Alastor looked at me in surprise while my brother was sleeping. "HEY!!" I shouted, knocking him over, whereupon he was immediately wide awake. "What did i miss!!?" "Anything and I won't talk about it again." I said angrily turning away from him. "Sorry Y/n... I guess I dozed off for a bit during the part where you were looking for Adam." "Bro, you slept through the whole story. It also involved you, you asshole!" I said annoyed. We all talked for a while until Lucifer and Charlie left and Alastor and I were alone. "Shall we play another round?" I asked with a grin as I conjured up the cards for us. "With pleasure, my love. This time I won't make it too easy for you." he winked and snapped up another wine. We filled our glasses and toasted each other, grinning. "Let's hope that things continue to be so wonderfully fun in the hotel." He said. "Let's hope."

Theee End. lol

I guess there will come a book 2 for season 2 and yeaah. I hope you liked the Story and maybe i can see you in Vox x reader again.

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