Chapter 20

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Y/n's POV

Before Charlie and Alastor could turn to my brother, he pulled me slightly out of everyone's earshot. "You fucked a human!!??" my brother hissed at me, careful not to make too much noise. I grinned a little nervously before answering. "Come on Lucifer as if you haven't just done that. I was young and had just been banished. Besides, I've always been interested in whether humans are good in bed." I grinned mischievously and let go of him to go back to the others. "Oh my gosh." I heard him say before he ran after me. "As much as I'd love to catch up. Charlie and I have a tour to continue." Alastor said to Mimzy, which Lucifer immediately denied. "I'm sure Charlie can handle showing me around." "Nonsense! We started the hotel together, and we'll shoe it off together. Right Charlie." Alastor contradicted Lucifer and I grinned at him slightly. "Don't worry Lucifer Alastor will be on his best behavior." I grinned at my brother and leaned against Alastor. He grinned snidely down at me before wrapping an arm around me so that I was a little closer to him. He placed his hands provocatively on my hips and pulled me in front of him. Lucifer's eye twitched slightly at Alastor's impudent hands on my body. Even though we had just found each other again, we behaved like we did back then. But I'm really happy about that. "Oh right." Charlie replied to Alastor who now bent down to my level and looked at me from the side. "Y/n darling, would you stay with the others to entertain Mimzy as long as you can." He grinned and I nodded amusedly over to the woman. "Good girl." he whispered in my ear and pressed a kiss on my cheek so that only Lucifer noticed and made him just angrier. Before Aastor could stand up again, I grabbed him by his collar with one hand. "And you stop teasing my brother." I snapped at him amused and also gave him a kiss on the cheek to provoke my brother. "Mimzy darling let's go have a drink!" I immediately turned to the little lady, which made her laugh a little. Alastor now went with me to Mimzy. "Yeah why don't you and Y/n get a drink and I'll be right back." With that, Vaggie, Charlie, Lucifer and Alastor went off to continue the tour, leaving Mimzy, Angel, Husk, Niffty, Pentious and me down in the lobby. "So where can a girl get drunk around here?" the blonde asked, strutting over to the bar. "My, My is that Husker???" She asked venomously but still somewhat amused. Husker was literally shaking with rage as he cleaned the glass. "Alastor still has you slinging hooch for him. I see. Classic," she made fun of our bartender. I found it rather inappropriate so I joined the conversation. "Hey Husk, can you please make us two whiskeys sweety." I grinned with a look that said 'just ignore her'. He nodded at me with a bit of a grin and poured us our drinks. "How ya been, fur-ball?" She crooned, resting her head on her hands. "Good until five minutes ago." he complained, crossing his hands over his chest. "Oh don't tell me you're not happy to see me. You might hurt my feelings," she giggled to herself. Then she turned in the chair and looked down at Niffty. She asked our little cleaning fairy what she had been up to all this time. "Fighting Bugs!!" replied our little cleaning girl. "And how is that going for you?" Mimzy asked uninterestedly. "They're winning.. But not for long!!" She laughed psychopathically, which worried me, but before Niffty could say anything else, Husk pushed the filled glasses towards us and he also left a drink for Angel. He then set off to follow Charlie and the others. I drank a little of my whiskey when I noticed Mimzy talking to Angel so I set off to follow Husk. He could give this little Lady a piece of his mind because just because Mimzy has Alastor on her side doesn't mean he can let himself be treated like that. At least I'm on his side and Alastor can think three times about whether he wants to punish Husk. Contract or not. I sprinted after them when suddenly the lamps on the walls began to flicker and a glowing green light appeared at the end of the hallway. Angry, I walked a step faster because I knew that Alastor was stressing out again. As I turned the corner I saw Husk lying on the ground shaking in fear while Alastor was running menacingly towards him with the contract chain in his hand. "-for every other disrespectful wretch who dares to question me. Understood? Lovely. Haha Good talk my good man!" "ALASTOR!" I growled loudly and menacingly in my demon voice which stopped the named one from continuing to run. He half turned towards me, his grin drawn out in amusement. "What kind of shit are you think you are doing here!?" I complained, still in my disguised voice, standing in front of Husk and towering over Alastor threateningly in my demon form. It was fucking awesome to be bigger than him, but I have to pull myself together first. "Honey, calm down. Husker and I have already sorted out everything that needs to be sorted out. Go back to the bar and treat yourself to a glass of wh-" "Shut the fuck up and open your ears." I interrupted him angrily. "Husk you can go now." I said quickly and he left on my instructions. "In my presence You won't scare anyone in this hotel or-" while I was talking he started to laugh in amusement. Now he too grew threateningly large. His antlers grew as well as his mouth got bigger and bigger. His eyes took on those ticking radio symbols again which let me know that I Now I had to be careful. "You don't tell me how to deal with my Souls! He is mine, his soul belongs to me! Woe to you, Y/n, threaten me again while I'm discussing something with my pet!" while he lectured me, I let go of my demon form and looked up at Alstor's in boredom. He also went normal again. "Otherwise it will be very ugly, darling." He patted my head contentedly, which made me exhale in annoyance. I knew I couldn't do anything about the brutal way Alastor treated his souls, but I tried Still, it's better than doing nothing. "At least treat him a little better, yeah?" I said with slight googly eyes, which made Alastor roll his eyes. "As you wish my love. I can't deny you any wish." he grinned down at me. "Oh really?? Then I want you to go to Vox and apologize." "Now are you daring to do too much Y/n."

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