Hermione ran in and jumped on Harry, just hugging him for minutes, it was awkward for me, I saw Malfoy lying on the bed across from Harry, so I went to check on him, maybe tease him too for not catching the snitch. He looked at me "What" he hissed, as I smirked leaning towards his ear "Poor Princess, couldn't catch a snitch yet again" I whispered in his ear, his eyes darkening and cold, "Can you fuck off" he hissed, "If the Princess insists" I smirked and stuck my tongue out, to turn around and see Hermione and Harry staring at me in disgust "What?" I spat at them "Nothing, didn't know you and Malfoy were, buddies" Harry scoffed in dissapointment, looking a little sad. "BUDDIES, you are barking if you think that" I spat laughing "He is my teammate, nothing more, just like bullying him back from times to times" I smirked, Hermione shaking her head.

Today was Hagrids first day as a 'teacher', the class being Care of Magical Creatures, and I was actually pretty excited to meet some new animals.

Our class was in the forest, and we stood there, waiting on Hagrid, he had some sort of surprise. Longbottom almost got demolished by our monster book, which was very funny to watch. I finally saw Pansy and moved through the crowd to see her standing next to Sophia, right beside the other Slytherins,  "Where the hell do you guys keep on disappearing to"I hissed at them. I hadn't seen Sophia for ages, and I only saw Pansy back at the dorm, I felt a little lonely, but they were both pretty busy.

"Demontor demontor" Malfoy yelled, his voice trembling and face filled with horror, as Harry and the others turned around in fear, Malfoy and the boys laughed and made some demontor sounds.

"Pathetic" Pansy scoffed "Thickheads too" I smirked at her and we laughed "You guys seem pretty booked since I rarely see you" I said with a little attitude, both of them hesitating to answer "Yeah busy with each other" Malfoy spat, and turned my head to him, he was smirking, and I finally realised what he meant, it made sense. 

Pansy and Sophia in a relationship, hiding it from me, and the thoughts made me pretty mad.  I shoved Malfoy to the side "When were you going to tell me" I hissed at Pansy, and dragged her away from the others, she kept on saying 'tell you what' and trying to fool me. "Oh for godricks sake, just fucking tell me" I yelled at her, she shook her head, and kept on denying "DON'T YOU LIE TO ME" I yelled, my tongue dripping with hellfire " FINE" she screamed at me "Yes, alright" she whispered, so low and dryly I almost couldn't hear it "I thought you guys were supposed to be my friends" my voice breaking, she looked at me apolegetticly, I scoffed and walked away.

I walked and shoved past some students, not caring if they fall and hit their head, I was hurt and furious. 

"What's wrong" Blaise whispered, noticing my frown and probably saw how I shoved them, "Oh nothing, just my girlfriends being girlfriends behind my back" I fake laughed, regretting that I told him, but telling myself that he probably knew, since Malfoy did.

"Oh yeah right, sorry about that" he whispered "Nothing to be sorry about" I smiled and looked back at Hagrid. We walked and he showed us this huge beautiful, uhm I don't what it is, some creature. "This is Buckbeak, isn't he beautiful" We all stood in silence, he was beautiful yes, but he looked bloody terrifying.

"First thing you wanna know about hippogriffs is they are very proud creatures, very easily offended, you do not want to insult the hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you ever do," Hagrid says, all of us looking sceptical at the giant hippogriff, it looks like a giant hawk "Who wants to say hello", he turns around and sees Harry standing alone up front, everyone but Harry had taken some steps backwards.

We watch Harry bow down to Buckbeak and him doing the same, out of nowhere Hagrid lifts Harry and places him on Buckbeak, and they fly away. We all look in awe "That is bloody amazing" Ron chuckled.

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