Ch.38 The World's Hero

Start from the beginning

"What's going on?" she shouted as she pushed her way through until she entered the room finding Nejire cradling an unconscious Eri. "Eri! What's going on?" "We don't know, we heard Izuku scream in anger, and then the large explosion happened. We found her in here unconscious," explained Nejire as she rubbed Eri's head, that's when she noticed the main thing about Eri that made her heart drop into her stomach. "Where's her horn?" They were interrupted by a large boom that caused the whole room to shake and even made some of them fall off their feet.



AFO made his arm turn into a monstrosity of bones, steel, and god knows what else as he went to punch Izuku. Izuku didn't run from the attack as he pulled his fist back, wrapping it in Black Whip like a cast, and collided with AFO's fist causing reality itself to distort where they connected until Izuku's attack won out. Obliterating AFO's arm into nothing making the villain curse as he glowed again reforming his arm back into existence. However, Izuku's eyes narrowed as he noticed a key detail about AFO.

'He's getting younger.' stated 1st as he appeared behind Izuku in the air, 2nd soon formed as well, 'He can't control Eri's quirk, it seems that's what would have happened if Eri used it on herself.' replied Izuku as he avoided several black tentacles with a flick of his finger helping him adjust in the air. 'Then let's help the process, 9th.' said the 2nd as he and 1st disappeared again. 'Got it.'

Izuku snapped a tentacle that came to a close as he began to take deep breaths, "What already tired son? I can do this all day!" taunted AFO with a cocky grin, that disappeared as a cloud of grey smoke exploded off of Izuku consuming the sky they were floating in. AFO growled as he turned his arm into a giant hand fan and swung around him clearing the sky of smoke, but Izuku was gone. He used his Search quirk to look for Izuku but it just said he was behind him, he turned and saw Izuku floating behind him holding his fist into his hand as it began to vibrate in his hand.

Blue energy began to wrap around his fist along with a red glow mixing with the blue creating a purple aura around his fist as green lightning continued to bounce off him. Izuku glared into AFO's eyes with pure hate and for the first time in his life, he felt fear. AFO put his hand up and began to form his ultimate attack while Izuku began to whisper under his breath.

"100% OFA, 100% Fajin output, faux 200% OFA, Gearshift Overdrive."

In less than a blink of an eye, Izuku appeared in front of AFO and slammed a palm into AFO's chest completely caving it in as blue energy poured into the crevice of AFO's exposed ribcage.

"Paradox Smash!"

The impact was so powerful that every cloud in the whole eastern hemisphere just disappeared in an instant. The very earth that was miles below them was even affected as it tore and cracked from the wind pressure, with the whole of Japan experiencing a magnitude 10 earthquake.

AFO stared down at his exposed wound in horror, he tried to make the golden glow with it healing but he couldn't stop it anymore as his body became a living Paradox. Izuku's hit was speeding up his aging but at the same time, Eri's quirk was trying to rewind him. AFO spasmed in the air as his wound would close then reopen then close again, his skin wrinkling before turning smooth and back to wrinkly. His appearance went to his potato form, to his prime, to his teenage years, to his childhood, and then to old on repeat. As he lived and died over again, he tried to reach out to Izuku with his Schrödinger hand, but Izuku made no move to save his father as he eventually dispersed into nothing. No blood, no dust, no bones, there was nothing; one second he was there the next he was gone.

Izuku let out a tired sigh as he deactivated OFA and let the morning dawn's rays of light bask him as they peaked over the horizon. He needed to keep going he didn't know what Shigaraki was up to, he needed to-

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