Ch.1 One Path Closes Another Opens

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

*When Izuku got the Letter*

Izuku's rejection projection had just turned off and exploded. Izuku was defeated and depressed as tears started to leak down his face as he kept hearing the same words, 'Not good enough.' Those were the words the homeless looking man said when he told Izuku's results, 'your careless and obviously don't know how to use your quirk. It would be just a waste of time to try and teach you. Unfortunately, the Principal still thinks you will be a good addition to the General course even with your barely above average scores. Your uniform will come in shortly and school starts next monday.' That was it, that was the only thing Izuku was told.

Izuku failed. He failed his mother and he failed All Might. Izuku started shaking as he stared at his hands trying to make them stop. Finally, he had a chance to be a hero and he squandered it. He truly was a 'Deku', useless failure a literal miracle was given to him and he still failed. He didn't deserve this power someone who would have passed deserves it. Izuku was about to pick up his phone to call All Might when it rang first signaling All Might called first instead. Izuku teared up as he instantly assumed All Might was calling to take his quirk back. So, he answered.

All Might: Young Midoriya! Congratulations on making it in to UA. It's okay about the Hero course since I have an ide-

Izuku: I'll be returning OFA soon.

All Might: Wait what?

Izuku: I failed All Might you should find a more suitable candidate. I'm obviously not as worthy as you think. I'll return it at the beach tomorrow. I'm sorry for you letting you down.

All Might: No. No you aren't.

Izuku: Huh?

All Might: Young Midoriya you are the ninth user no matter what. So what if you failed a simple test. That doesn't automatically mean you can't be a hero. UA itself isn't the only way to become a hero. You don't have to become like me Young Midoriya to make me proud or anyone. I want you to become your own hero not just a carbon copy of me.


All Might: Young.....Izuku it's okay to take the harder route, it's okay not to be perfect at the start. Everyone has to start somewhere and you know since you're taking a harder path it will feel all that much better once you reach your goal because you will know you earned it. I work at UA now Young Midoriya come to my office after school without being followed. I have an idea to help you catch up and surpass your peers.

Izuku: ok.

All Might: See you then Young Midoriya.

The call ended and Izuku let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding. He felt better but he still had some doubts about himself. He pushed them down for later as he cleaned his face and stepped out to tell his mother the news. She took the news fine but she was more worried about her son then anything but she couldn't stop the face she made. Izuku looked from the floor to his mother's face causing his eyes to widen, she looked at him with 'Pity'. Something snapped in Izuku when he looked at her face.

He felt something burn inside him and clenched his fist as his mother wrapped him in a hug. Izuku didn't return it as he started to shake in anger as it slowly burned in his body, he wasn't angry at his he was angry at that look. So many times he has been the recipient of that look. It made him feel bad it was like they were looking at an injured puppy and not another human being. When people learned his father was absent since he was three, to his quirklessness or when he went to the doctor to treat the wounds he got from his bullies. He has seen it so many times. Never again.

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