Ch.19 Bond

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia

I only own the PLot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

Izuku stood outside a nice fancy restaurant with clear nervousness oozing off him, making a few of the customers waiting outside uncomfortable. He was wearing his red suit (Two hereos movie outfit) aka the only suit he owned at the moment. Tonight was his date night with Ochaco and hopefully the night he will propose to her as well. He nervously fiddled with the box in his suit pocket, constantly checking the time with his watch even though he was twenty minutes early. Soon a limousine pulled up in front of the restaurant catching his attention.

Ochaco stepped out of the back of it in her Pink dress, (Also two heroes' outfits), she smiled softly as she met eyes with Izuku. Izuku looked in the limo and saw Momo who smiled and gave him a wink before closing the door and letting the limo drive off. Izuku just smiled at that feeling proud for Momo. Izuku refocused and offered his hand to Ochaco with a smile as he lead her into the restaurant with his reservation.

It was a nice dinner but the two immediately felt uncomfortable while there. Minus all the staring they got due to who Izuku was, they just didn't feel like they belonged. They didn't use the right culinary getting them stares, they didn't understand the lingo, and the food was so expensive that even the money Izuku received from All Might could barely afford an appetizer. Hell, he doesn't think he'll even propose today due to how bad it went.

The two awkwardly sat there picking at the free bread before Izuku cleared his throat. Ochaco looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Izuku: Want to get out of here and get some burgers?

Ochaco: .....


The scene cuts to Izuku and Ochaco sitting on a park bench eating some burgers in silence as they watched a small concert happen in the park. Once they finished their burgers they took a scenic walk through a storefront that was connected to a beach. They were hand in hand as they walked together enjoying each other's company along with calm sea wind.

Izuku: Sorry about that Ochaco. I thought it would be a great idea for a date night, but it was a mistake.

Ochaco: Ah, don't say that babe it was still nice and I loved the thought you put into it. Now we know that style isn't our thing but who knows? Maybe in the future, it could be our thing.

Izuku could only hum in agreement as Ochaco put her head on his shoulder as they continued walking. Izuku glanced to his side and he stopped in his tracks making Ochaco stare at him with confusion.

Ochaco: Izuku?

Izuku motioned for Ochaco to follow him as Izuku leaped onto the beach, not caring for his suit as he crouched into the sand feeling it with his hands. Ochaco hopped down the railing as well standing not too far from Izuku with clear confusion on her face.

Izuku: This is where my journey really began, where my efforts here took me to the present. 

Izuku sat down staring at the waves as they gently rocked back and forth. Ochaco sat next to him allowing Izuku to vent. Though it seemed more like reminiscing to her.

Izuku: It was not long after All Might chose me as his successor, maybe a day or two after the fact. My body wasn't ready yet for the power, so he wanted me to clear this entire beach, you should have seen it, it was horrendous. The worse nine months of my life, yet if it weren't for those nine months of hell, I would have never gotten to live my dream. Never made it to UA. Never stopped all those villains. And I never would have gotten to meet you.

As Izuku uttered the last part he turned to Ochaco staring into her chocolate eyes. Ochaco just stared back intrigued by what Izuku was getting at.

Izuku: Without you Ochaco, I'd probably be in a darker place and god would all that fighting be so much harder. I never told you this but while I was a vigilante, every time I got into a situation where it truly felt like I might die. What always made me go beyond my limits was you, me wanting to make it back to you is what pushed me to a strength that I could never reach on my own. Ochaco I can't imagine a world where you aren't a part of my life, so I want to make sure you always will be. I know I could never make up for lying to you for so long, don't deny it I know it still bothers you. So, I think this is the best thing I can do to make up for it.

Izuku reached into his pocket and pulled out a black box making Ochaco's breath hitch in her throat. Izuku opened the box revealing a silver ring with a pink diamond on the top of it. Ochaco was frozen in place as tears slowly started to pool in the corner of her eyes. She couldn't move as Izuku moved until he was crouched in front of her with the box held out.

Izuku: Ochaco, Will you marry me?

Ochaco blushed as the tears finally fell before a cheerful smile came across her face. She crashed into Izuku's squeezing him to death, but he laughed in joy as he embraced her. They both shared a kiss on the beach as Izuku slipped the ring on her finger. He couldn't have been any happier.



Izuku was getting fitted with some improvements for his costume in the support lab. He stood in the center of a platform as Mei casually eyed him up with obvious intentions making Izuku a tiny bit uncomfortable. She also touched him up as well under the excuse of measurements even though she had them already. Izuku was genuinely confused about what was happening.

Izuku: So um Mei. Why am I here again?

Mei: Simple really. We are going to make a baby.

Izuku immediately sputtered as he backed away from Mei going into a wall. However, Mei followed him and pinned him to the wall with her chest while putting her arms on the wall behind him and looking up into his eyes with mischief.

Mei: Oh, someone seems nervous. What? Scared of taking responsibility~?

Izuku: Wha-What are- Mei! Come on! We're young!

Mei pressed harder into him even starting to lift her leg pushing her lower parts into Izuku with a soft grind making him groan. She smirked as she slowly leaned her head towards Izuku, Izuku was a new shade of red that shouldn't even exist.


Mei: Oh, great idea Izuku. I'll see you next Saturday.

Mei immediately got off of Izuku and went to her workbench starting to mess with some contraptions. Izuku stood there dumbfounded as he was left flustered while Mei stood in front of him with her back to him, casually swaying her hips while humming a tune.

Izuku: Did-Did you really do all that to just get a date?

Mei just glanced back and gave a sly smile.

Mei: Who knows~.

Izuku cleared his throat as he messed with his pants into a different position and stood next to Mei looking at the table.

Izuku: Is that?

Mei: Yes, it'll be ready soon. Once it's done some of your freedom will be restored. 

Izuku: It's a start.

Izuku said while picking up a small device that barely fit in the palm of his hand. An exact replica of the ankle monitor on his ankle. He gave a side hug to Mei who returned it.

Izuku: Thank you Mei.

Mei: No problem. After all, I got to help my baby daddy.

Izuku: Please stop.

Mei: No.

*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: Ch.20 Leashed

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