Ch.21 Kyoto

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia 

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

It was the day. The day Izuku would question everything he had ever known, the day the world's worst 'natural' disaster in human history struck a crucial city in Japan. The day Kyoto drowned. On this dreary morning, Izuku could be seen sitting in the back of a limo parked on a nearby hilltop over the target city. Izuku was in his full costume with the President sitting in front of him in her usual business attire. On Izuku's side were several heavily armed guards all aimed at him making sure he didn't try anything, however, Izuku didn't pay them any mind as he kept his eyes solely on the President. Who instead stared out the window looking at her beloved hometown with a melancholy look.

His class and Class 1-A had gone to take their Provisional Exam. Izuku was able to easily avoid their suspicion of him not going with him saying he was still facing the consequences of his actions. Said he was barred from the exam until his second year, yet he knew some of his girls knew something was up. But, he can deal with that later.

Izuku: So...when does it begin?

Asked Izuku with a noticeable angry growl, the President didn't answer at first as she took a deep breath obviously trying to calm herself down. Then a soft voice broke from her lips.

Madam: It begins now.

Izuku's eyes widened immediately as he turned to look out the window, but could only see the dreary clouds releasing heavy rain, yet that's all he could see. Until a guard next to him handed him a phone that had a video from a drone of a hooded man standing on the shores of Lake Biwa raising his hands up making the water react violently to his movement. In an instant, a massive wave rocketed out of the lake taking all its water and headed straight towards the city. The drone feed cut out signaling it got consumed by the wave, but Izuku didn't need the feed anymore as watched through the window the Tsunami consumed the city in moments. Izuku panicked as he watched the city become flooded, he went to go help until a gun was pressed into the back of his head making him stop. That's when he noticed they had all pressed their guns into his body to stop him from going.

Madam: Sorry Izuku, but you cannot leave yet. It would look too suspicious if you were to arrive almost instantly after the disaster. UA is almost across the entirety of Japan, we shall wait for the amount of time it would take you to get here at your current speed. 20 minutes.


Madam: Probably, but the public doesn't know that, do they?

Izuku couldn't respond as his eyes kept darting between her and the dying city. He couldn't do anything but growl in frustration as he shut his eyes and looked away from the carnage. In his head he begged for the gods to forgive him for what he had done, They didn't hear him as they had also turned their eyes from the carnage. It was the longest 20 minutes of Izuku's life. Until the guns backed away from him, no one stopped him when he rocketed through the roof caving it open. The President just stared at the hole before sighing keeping her eyes away from the city.

Madam: Get us out of here.


Izuku was rocketing toward the city at 80%, his current max. He surveyed the streets and could only see torrents of dark waves that flooded the streets, the water was so high it was easily reaching twenty floors on skyscrapers. Izuku activated Danger Sense and was immediately overwhelmed by all the signals, and he had only activated it for this portion of the city. Once it spread to the whole city, Izuku felt like he wanted to cry feeling all the pain around him not only from the stabbing sensation in his brain that was causing a nosebleed but also the emotional pain he felt from all the anguish around him. Izuku regained himself and dived down into the water breaking through its surface.

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