I sat by the window again, thinking of the dream I had, all the peace I felt, and as it hit me, mint, who the hell smelled like mint? "For Merlin's sake, now I can't sleep you little twat" Pansy spat at me, as I laughed.

We just talked until it was time to leave for London station.

We flooed back to London station, where my mom, nan and sister were waiting. I hugged them all, kissing my nan on the cheek, and they waved me off as Pansy and I went on the train to find our friends. As we walked through the compartment, we could see first years through the windows, they looked so small, so young. "And where do you think you are going" a voice said, as I turned around it was Hermione "Oh I've missed you" I yelled as I embraced her into a hug. I could hear Pansy scoffing next to me, she was never really a fan of Hermione or the Golden Trio.

We had a quick chat about our summers before I was dragged away by Pansy. As we opened the last compartment, we saw Sophia sitting with Levi and Gabriel, not saying a word, but where the hell were Blaise and Theo? "Oh Y/n, how was your summer" she hugged me tightly, "Oh, hi Pansy, how was your summer" Sophia asked, I swear on Merlin I could see her cheeks redden. "It was great, Y/n and I spent all summer in Paris" she answered and they talked for a while, while Gabriel pulled me down next to him and hugged me.

Didn't talk much with Levi and Gabriel, only about school, my time with my nan and Paris this summer and Hufflepuff house. I knew I wouldn't choose the Hufflepuff house, I felt at home at the Slytherin house, I didn't know why, maybe because of Pansy, "Do you know when you are choosing your house "Gabriel asked, with a soft smile on his face as Levi joining Sophia and Pansy's conversation "No, not yet, Dumbledore never told me when only that he would call upon me some day" I answered with a low voice and a slight smile.

We sat with them the whole way to Hogwarts, I didn't know that Pansy and Sophia were that close, or that they even liked each other the tiniest bit.

As we arrived Pansy and I walked towards the Slytherin table, everyone staring us up and down "You were right" I whispered in Pansy's ear "The only thing they are looking at is our body" I hissed in a whisper, whilst I was starting to get irritated, and my cheeks reddened.
I spotted a blonde walking in, it was Malfoy "In Merlin's name, what do they feed that kid" I joked to Pansy "Merlin himself maybe" she whispered as we both laughed. Malfoy had grown very tall over the summer and was also getting handsome. I slapped my head as I thought that Malfoy was handsome, and everyone's heads snapped at me in confusion, even Malfoys.

"what the bloody hell was that" Blaise asked as he sat next to me "Nothing" I whispered in embarrassment and I looked at him, seeing his face was full of amusement, I nudged him and rolled my eyes.

"Staring problem" Pansy hissed at a few boys on the other side of the table, and they looked away quite fast not saying another word, I will admit it Pansy is bloody scary.
"Who would even stare at a prat like you, you must be a nutter" someone spat trying to provoke Pansy "Oh shove it Malfoy" she spat at him, "Don't say something you will regret" she hissed at him as she stood up from her seat, inches away from him "Come on, say something" she spat, as she furrowed her eyebrows and smirked "Yeah, I thought so" she spat returning to her seat "Oh, am I hurting your little feelings" he mocked her "For Merlin's sake, can't you just fuck off" I yelled, not even noticing how fast the words slipped through my mouth.

"Oh, your girlfriend here standing up for you" he hissed, as the whole Slytherin table laughed "I would rather her be my girlfriend than you be my boyfriend" Pansy spat back as she jumped from her seat, slamming her shoulder right in his chest, and like that she left the hall furious.

"Can you not be a fucking prick" I scoffed at him, as he said down next to me, on Pansy's seat, "You gonna do something about it" he spat, smirking and locking eyes with me "You'll see" I spat back at him, smirking as I looked back to Blaise.

Hateful desiresWhere stories live. Discover now