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Author's Note: So I found a book of story starters at a local store, and thought I'd try some. To give credit, the book is called Complete the Story. I'll put the actual prompt in italics. There's some good inspiration here, but I like these for when I'm feeling in between chapters and just stuck.

This is my first attempt at first person. Be gentle.

TW: Mental illness, stalking... just generally creepy dude.

I knew I would regret the question the moment the words were out of my mouth, but I couldn't take it back now. Why did I have to ask if she had an Alpha? Of course, she did. She was stunning, and she was just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside.

Every time she'd enter the room, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I knew her name because it seemed everyone knew her name. When people entered the diner, they called out to her in greeting, and her voice would chime back in happy answer. People asked to sit in her section, and the children hung on her every word.

She'd be an amazing mother to our pups. I knew it deep in my bones.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if birds flit down to rest on her delicate shoulders when she stepped outside.

I'd only met her a few hours ago, but I knew she was mine.

Did she? Did she feel this magnetic pull? Did she feel the way my soul cried out to hers?

"Alphas? I do! Actually, I have three. They should be here any minute."

A pack! A fucking pack! No other Alpha could love her the way I did.

At my unconscious growl, her scent shifted from the floral sweetness of moments before to being tinged with anxiety. I felt my heart squeeze at the thought that I could have caused her a moment of concern, but I quickly shook it off. She was mine. She was obviously dreading the return of her Alphas.

"Here they are now. I'm off shift so I'm leaving for the day. It was nice to meet you. I hope they fix your car soon."

I didn't mix the sidelong glance she threw my way as she skipped out the door to join the three massive Alphas sitting on equally massive, black motorcycles. Based on the leather vests, patches, and tattoos, they weren't weekend riders.

I watched her talk animatedly to them, her grin wide at first and then dimming somewhat as she met my gaze through the window. All three of the Alphas turned their eyes to meet mine, and a brief shiver went down my spine at the obvious threat in their eyes.

Alphas. They weren't worthy of her.

Settling back in the booth, I turned my thoughts to how perfect our life would be together once she belonged to me. She'd have to go through the broken bond withdrawal at first. That couldn't be helped, but I'd be there to help her through it.

Hmmm... motorcycles were dangerous. Weren't they?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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