Park Problems

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Author's Note: Sometimes I don't know what is up with me that my stories never end up where I think they're going!!


"It is a beautiful park during the day, but there are always problems at night."

Popping the lid on his hot cup of takeout coffee, Senior Beta Patrolman Jeffries glanced at his latest rookie ride along sitting in the passenger seat. The rookie was so eager Jeffries saw her hands trembled slightly as she doctored her own cup of black tar that masqueraded as coffee.

The chief always gave him the rookies on their first time out. His mate had teased that he had a "daddy-vibe" going on that made him a great teacher. He'd smacked her ass and chased her up the stairs to their room until she'd been calling him "Daddy." Smiling faintly at the memory, he waited until the nervous beta female had replaced her cup lid without burning herself.

"So, your first night, Sonya?" She hadn't been at roll call for them to get the pleasantries out of the way. His chief had instructed him to pick her up along the way to their patrol area for the night.

"Y-yes, sir."

He noted her soft, hesitant tone. She'd have to toughen up if she were going to survive this job.

"Well, getting the Central Park for your first patrol is both a blessing and a curse." When she simply raised an eyebrow at him, he continued, "The park is beautiful during the day, but there are always problems at night."


"No," he huffed softly, "I wish it were as easy as drugs."


"Much worse... Omegas. Feral Omegas to be exact."

She blinked at him without saying anything at first, transferring her gaze to the dark entrance of the park and back to him before she cleared her throat and repeated, "Feral omegas?"

"Yep," he popped his lips on the final p sound, "I know everyone wants to believe that Omegas want to dope-up on suppressants, find an Alpha, and pop out pups, but not all Omegas want that life."

"W-what do you mean? I thought all Omegas are required to register?" Sonya asked softly.

"Legally, yes, but not all of them want to have all their choices taken away."

"You sound like you... understand what the Ferals want? Don't you arrest them if you catch them?" The blunt fingernails on her right hand scratched at the knee of her creased uniform pants in an absent pattern.

"As much as a Beta male can, I suppose. My older sister presented as an Omega when she turned sixteen. Shocked the shit out of our parents. Not really knowing how to handle it, they did what they thought was right and took her to the Omega registry. The next time I saw her, a year later, she was a completely different person. Not just a year older or an Omega, but whatever made Kass Kass was gone. She was like a blank page. No personality, no spark.

When my parents asked her "handler" why she was so different, he explained that they gave Omegas a suppressant cocktail to make them more biddable," he snorted derisively, "Biddable. That's one way to put it. Kass was like a walking doll. They'd brought her back to stay with us for few weeks while they organized her mating. She was only seventeen. Her soon-to-be Alpha was sixty-two, and his previous two unbonded Omegas had both conveniently died of bizarre accidents."

Sonya shifted in her seat so that she faced him fully, "What happened to Kass?"

"I switched out her suppressant cocktail for plain vitamins."

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