Alpha's Preferences

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NOTES: This is not really edited... checked for spelling and that's about it! Also, this one has some mature content.

Carlisle shifted to his side on the luxurious mattress so that his weight rested on his elbow, and he had an unobstructed view of the Omega curled under his blankets, sleeping softly next to him. Relaxed in sleep and physically exhausted from his earlier use, her face didn't have the pinched, anxious look that it had when she arrived on his doorstep hours earlier, and with that awful caked on make-up washed off her, her natural beauty was obvious. Why anyone thought the fake primped up glamour doll look was appealing was beyond him.


When he'd first opened the door to find her flicking a nervous glance at the black car idling at the curb, his first impulse had been to send her away.

His assistant had warned him that just because he was a genius who had helped to create a vaccine resulting in lifting the nationwide Omega quarantine, his cranky, anti-social behavior didn't excuse him from being an asshole. Trina had decided that what her boss really needed was to get laid, but knowing that the reclusive Alpha wouldn't even go to a restaurant for take out, let alone a blind date, she'd gone the more direct route and called Alpha Procurement.

Alphas were an aggressive lot, but most worked out their aggression on their own. Fighting and fucking worked wonders on Alphas who needed to burn up some energy, but some couldn't, or wouldn't, take care of their base needs and so Alpha Procurement was born.

Need someone to spar with? Alpha Procurement would send you someone to step into the arena.

Need to feel the thrill of the hunt? Alpha Procurement would set up an excursion for you to shed the big city and get back to your Alpha primal instincts.

Need somewhere warm, wet, and willing to shove your Alpha cock? Alpha Procurement would send you a Beta male or female, per your personal preferences, able to take a knot and allow you to fuck the aggression away.

Apparently though... for clients who had the extra cash or clout, they didn't send a Beta.

They'd send an Omega.

An Omega who smelled like candied cherries and fear.

The tiny brunette female standing on his doorstep slowly raised her eyes from where they'd hit his chest when he'd opened the door to meet his blue eyes with her own. Unlike his own denim blue eyes, her eyes were the blue of glacier ice, so bright they almost glowed. She held his gaze long enough from him to burn her features into his brain. Her dark curls piled on top of her head in some inordinately complicated style. Her lashes were long and full, but the layers of makeup that surrounded her eyes make them look fake enough that it was hard to tell if they were real. Her cheeks were pink from both blush applied with a heavy hand and her own natural coloring. Her lips were full, but the bold, bright red lipstick didn't match the waves of fear that poured off her turning her sweet cherry scent acrid.

Trina had warned him to expect a visitor. He'd prepared to send her away with a quick, thanks but no thanks, but the little female on his doorstep froze the words in his throat. Carlisle's mind had always been his biggest advantage. He possessed all the Alpha traits. He stood head and shoulders above his colleagues, but his incredibly quick brain was his real weapon. His brain never really turned off. Even while he'd been formulating the vaccine, he'd been thinking about the next project on his list.

The Omega in front of him shut down his brain. For the first time he could remember, only one word repeated itself in his head.


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