Spring Was the Worst

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**Author's Note: Loosely set in the world of Alpha Lost**

Prompt: Spring was the worst time of year...

"Mrs. Tomas! Mrs. Tom-!" Kaitlyn ducked as the mannequin draped in turquoise sequins flew over her head.

"You can't have that dress!" screeched Mrs. Tomas as she searched around her for more weapons. "That dress is for my Emmie! She saw it first, and it's perfect for her!"

"You old, heifer! She ripped the hangar right out of my Chloe's hands. Chloe had it first! It's going home with us, and Chloe is going to look perfect for the Omega Ball!" Mrs. Cala shrieked right back.

Kait picked herself up from the floor and took a deep breath before she waded into the battle that had taken over her dressing room. Spotting Emmie and Chloe cowering in the corner, Kait made a gesture towards their mothers with an nonverbal plea for a little help. Both girls just shook their heads and settled deeper against the wall. Kait was sure if they could become invisible or slink out without getting noticed, they would have already escaped. Glancing over at the two elegant, dignified ladies who had turned into screaming banshees, Kait wasn't sure if the two Omegas were cowards or smart.

Seeing that the situation had quickly gotten out of hand, Kait scooted over to her desk and picked up the phone. Pressing the red button, Kait waited for the Alpha on the other end of the line to answer.

"Security." the gruff Alpha tone gave Kait a brief shiver.

"It's happening again. I can't get them to calm down, and their daughters are hiding in a corner."

"Again? Isn't this the third time this season?" amusement practically oozed from the handset.

"Yes, Alpha Bayler. This time of year makes all the mothers go into Omega mother-bear mode. Spring is the worst." Kait winced as a thankfully empty glass went sailing into the wall, " I can't get them calmed down enough to work this out. Right now, they're still in the throwing things stage, but they're about to run of ammo. Has Riggs recovered from the last time two Omega mothers went into a rage?"

"Noted. We're on our way. Are their Alphas here?"

"No, if their mates were here, I would have called them in first." Kait reported drily. Did he think she was an idiot?

"ETA 5 minutes." The abrupt silence on the other end of the line let Kait know that he had hung up. Grrr....Alpha males!

Kait bided her time by avoiding the missiles that continued to fly around her studio, and she vowed that this would be the last time she'd let two clients have a joint session whether they were best friends, sisters, or twins! Mrs. Tomas and Mrs. Cala were twins who had started the day happy but were ending the day trying to destroy each other and wrecking her studio in the process. Luckily, this wasn't Kait's first Mating Season so she had only a few truly precious things on her studio floor.

A brief knock and the opening of her door preceded the arrival of the Alpha security team. Alpha Bayler stood framed in the doorway for a few seconds, and Kait took the opportunity to let her gaze run over his large, chiseled frame. He seemed to take up all the air in the room, but the battling Omegas didn't even spare him a glance as they continued to rail at each other.

"Stop!" Bayler projected his voice into the room to be heard. He didn't yell, but his voice carried into the room. The brawling Omega mothers paused, but then moved towards each other after a second.

"Stop now!" Bayler said again, this time not just trying to make himself known but to actually use the force of his Alpha power to bring order to the chaos in her store.

His power filled the room and while for the two fighting Omegas, it seemed to just freeze them in place, it sent dark shivers down Kait's spine that seemed to center in her pussy. She felt herself grow wet between her legs. As Bayler growled at the women when they gave each other another look, Kait felt more moisture slip out of her pussy to ruin her panties.

Kait could only watch as Bayler lifted his head into the air, and his nostrils flared as he took a deep breath in. His eyes went from a piercing gray to black as his head lowered and his eyes locked on her.

Bayler took over the situation without saying anything to her, but his eyes would frequently come back to rest on her. Each time sent pulses of lust to her to her already sopping pussy, and his low voice as he directed the scene made her want to close her eyes and roll around in his scent that had followed him into the room.

The ladies' mates were called, and in a short amount of time, they, and their daughters, were swept out of her studio with their Alphas both fussing at them for their behavior and bristling at the unmated males of the security team who were in the same room with their mates and young.

After they were gone, Kait bent over to start picking up the debris on the floor, but a large, rough hand on her forearm pulled her to a halt and upright.

"What are you wearing to the ball?" Bayler asked the odd question.

"I'm not going to the ball." Kait responded.

"Yes. Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not. Only Omegas who are interested in getting mated go to the ball. I - "

"You...are going to the ball. You can pick out your dress, or I can, but you will be there." If an Alpha could purr and growl all the same time, Bayler's low, raspy tone was it.

"I hadn't planned on going to the ball," Kait tried again while trying to get her reaction to him under control. His hand on her arm felt like a brand as he gave it a gentle but firm squeeze before letting go.

"Neither had I," Bayler growled, "But plans have apparently changed. You're going to be mine, little Omega. Pick. Out. A. Dress. My favorite color is blue."

Bayler put two of his fingers under her chin and stared deep into her eyes. Kait held herself so very still feeling like prey caught between the claws of a much more dangerous animal. His touch, his voice, and his stare caused another gush of fluid to release from between her legs.

When his fingers left her flesh, Kait felt a sudden feeling of loss that made her almost gasp for breath. Watching him walk to the door with his prowling, gliding walk, almost made her call him back. At the doorway, he turned to give her one last look that scorched her to her core.

"You might want to start designing your mating gown as well." Bayler gave her one last steamy look before shutting her studio door behind him.

Hmph...Alpha males. She'd had that dress designed since she learned how to sew. 

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