Running from a Predator

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"You know... like a Zombie Run, but with Alphas!" Perky Beta Susie Sunshine chirped from her spot further down the conference table.

"What?" Becca's whispered word disappeared under the excited exclamations from the rest of the promotions crew crowded around the table.

During the weekly meeting of the marketing and promotions team for Zeta Running, ideas flew around the table like a murder of crows around a glitter bomb. During the brainstorming session, all ideas were written on the whiteboard at the front of the room no matter how silly, impossible, or promising they sounded. Afterwards, they'd go back and separate the wheat from the chaff. Despite Becca's hatred of meetings and most people, ‌she couldn't discount that some of their best ideas came from this kumbaya bullshit.

Susie Sunshine, her real name was something like Brittany, but as she always bounced into the office with her blonde ponytail practically vibrating as she walked Becca had secretly adopted the nickname for her upon the overly perky blonde's arrival, piped up from the end of table again, "The Zombie runs were really popular for a while. I even did a Vampire run in college. It was a ton of fun!"

If Susie popped off with a "Like, oh my God!" Becca didn't think she'd be able to keep from stabbing her with a pencil.

As the rest of the team around the table, all of them Betas, weighed in with approving noises, Becca voiced her own thoughts on the idea, "There's a huge difference between a Zombie/Vampire/Werewolf whatever run and an Alpha run."

The room fell silent, and a dozen or so heads turned her way.

"Like... what?" Susie chirped.

Clenching her hands so that her nails cut into her palms, Becca answered, "Alphas are real. You don't see a problem with basically using actual real-life predators to chase people? You know... the whole prey drive kicking in and our run turning into a giant orgy as Alphas bring down their prey left and right?"

A nervous chuckle escaped a few of the people around the wood-grain table. While no one disagreed with Becca, several heads turned to Susie for her response. At first, the bubbly blonde gaped with her mouth open towards where Becca sat at the opposite end of the table.

"Well, they wouldn't be actual Alphas, Becca! Alphas haven't lived inside the city limits in years. They prefer living in the woods... you know, in their caves and such!"

Another nervous round of laughter, a little louder and slightly more relaxed, echoed around the table, "Why on earth would actual Alphas want to come to an event like ours?"

"Maybe because you're providing them a hunting ground?" Becca replied drily. Picking up her pen, she made a reminder note on the pad of paper on the table: Call legal immediately after the meeting.

"No! Alphas won't come. My daddy - you know he's the mayor - says there aren't any Omegas here anymore anyway for them to stick around. It'll just be a race of Betas like it always is. We'll have volunteers dress-up as 'Rutting' Alphas, and the runners can have something tied to them... like they do in flag football. If an Alpha gets their flag, then they're out of the competition."

"So your daddy says there aren't any more Omegas in town so the Alphas have all left too?" Charlie, from midway down the table asked.

Becca glanced up to catch Charlie's green eyes meeting hers with a bit of a mischievous twinkle in them. His ever tousled black hair curled over his forehead in front of his eyes, and with a quick flick, he flipped it back into place. On every other guy that Becca had seen perform that same move, it seemed rather douchey. When Charlie did it, she felt a low burn begin at the apex of her thighs. She shifted slightly, trying to relieve the ache, but it only flared hotter when Charlie's eyes dilated in response. The largest Beta she'd ever seen, Charlie pushed every one of her buttons even while she ran the opposite way every time he came within three feet of her.

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