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This wasn't about an old rivalry anymore.

For the second time that day, Brandon ran the gambit of emotions from shock to rage. An hour before, when his parents finally revealed Meg's mated status, he couldn't believe what he'd heard.

She'd promised to wait for him. Meg understood why he hadn't wanted to mate her right after high school. She'd even agreed with him because she'd wanted to start college before mating, but they'd made a commitment to each other.

But not only had she gone back on her promise to him, she'd mated the one Alpha that he hated above all others. Jake was the opposite of everything that Brandon was. They were both Alphas, but some of their class had teased Brandon for being Alpha "lite."

Where Brandon dominated the classroom and graduated at the top of his class, Jake ruled on the football field. Where Brandon saw females as more than just their dynamic or set of tits, Jake made it a contest of how many of their high school classmates he could knot and run. Where Brandon's family didn't have much, Jake's father ruled the high council of their small town and used money like a blunt force weapon.

Meg differed from the other simpering females at their school. An Omega, she hadn't given Jake a second glance in school. She and Brandon had met before they presented when they'd been paired on an advanced computer science project, and they'd become fast friends. With birthdays in the same month, they'd presented within weeks of each other. They'd gone from friends to lovers as easy as breathing.

They'd made plans.

At first, Meg had been uneasy about waiting. With both of their families floating in the lower middle class range, she'd been uneasy about staying unmated too long. Her father had hinted that she'd best help the family by skipping college and finding a high-ranking, rich Alpha.

Drawing his Alpha courage around him like a mantle, he'd met with Meg's Beta father. He'd explained that he'd been approached by one of the Prime's high families about one of his coding projects. He wanted to wait to mate Meg until he could provide both for her and her family. He had the money to pay her mating dowry, but it would leave him with nothing to make a home for her. If they could just wait... even just a year... Her father had nodded and smiled at appropriate times and granted his blessing for them to wait, but Brandon had still felt unsettled.

Now, seven months later, it seemed like his instincts had been correct. She hadn't waited for him. Looking at her large, rounded belly, it looked like she hadn't even waited till he'd left for the city.

Shifting to see around the Beta maid who answered the door, Brandon's gaze remained locked on the Omega's belly who hovered in the archway behind her. Her distended belly pulled tight against the fabric of her bright yellow sundress, and he clenched his fists until his nails scored his palms.

She was pregnant with another male's baby. Another male had touched her. She was his, but not his. She belonged to another.

A rusty growl rumbled from his chest. At her pained gasp, his eyes snapped to her face, and his rage melted away before rushing back in with a fury he'd never felt before. For a brief moment, his vision tinted red and he felt his incisors lengthen in his mouth.

A frightened gasp from the maid and the door swinging shut into his face snapped him out of his fury, and he reached out and grabbed the door before it could shut. Giving it a shove, the door slammed into the wall behind it and the startled maid fell back a few steps before turning to run down the hallway.

Meg hadn't moved. She trembled where she stood in the face of his rage, but her eyes roved over his face like a thirsty person eyeing life-giving water. His eyes traced the large purple and yellow bruise that covered her high cheekbone under her cornflower blue eyes. When a tear slipped over that bruise, he focused his eyes on hers. While her belly was swollen, her face was gaunt in a way that was completely unnatural.

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