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"Do you wish to have our blessing?" Marin questioned us and we offered him a nod.

"Y eya." Amanté replied, voicing our gesture with words.

We do.

"Oau ni aho leé ka pa tan," Kesis directed us and we both rose to our feet before turning to each other.

Stand and tell us why we should give it to you.

Our eyes immediately met through the veils and I forced back my look of hatred as I gave him a slight nod of my head to tell him to begin, and he cleared his throat before allowing words to leave his mouth.

"Carlisiann yí the love of my life, she is someone I cherish and want to cherish for the rest of my days no matter how long or short they may be. I don't think I will ever find someone as strong-willed, funny and beautiful as her." Amanté confessed for everyone to hear as he took my hands into his to further convince them of his love for me, and I had to say if I didn't know how he truly felt about me I'd believe his act.

Yí - is

"Amanté yí the most caring person I have ever met, I don't understand how I gained such luck to meet him, but I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to because I believe I have finally been reunited with my other half, my soulmate." I professed with a forced smile, and I had to admit I was surprised my voice didn't break due to the current flow of nervousness rushing through my veins as I maintained our 'loving' eye contact to continue the show that would convince the people in the room we were actually in love.

"I believe we have heard enough." Kesis announced which had us turning our attention to her.

"We will grant you our blessing," Marin added and his words had the crowd breaking out in cheers that soon ceased when Kesis raised her hand.

"With that being said, Amanté and Carlisiann will have their first dance."

Amanté and I bowed before his parents once again and then headed onto the ballroom floor as people gave us enough space to begin our first dance.

When we were in the centre he lifted my veil, permitting everyone to capture my image as his eyes traced my features keenly like he was trying to make sure I was the person under the cloak. His hands continued to hold onto the veil he had moved behind my back, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was an unconscious act.

"I stand by what I said earlier," Amanté stated while I lifted his veil to reveal his face that only brought pure, fiery irritation that had me gripping the thin material a little too tightly before I dropped my hold on it completely.

"You said many things." I conveyed when his right hand greeted my lower back to pull me closer to him as his left met my cheek, prompting my hands to rest themselves in their assigned place.

"You look ravishing." He recalled while the music began to rise in the air around us, wordlessly instructing us and alluring us to move and we did, with Amanté leading the dance.

"Should I be flattered?"

"You should be."

Nothing else was said, at least not immediately since I was in no mood to talk to him especially after what had occurred between us, but as time sat on my mind and body I parted my lips to ask, "How much longer do we have to do this?"

"We've barely begun." He stated, drawing a sigh from my lips because it sure didn't feel like it.

"And yet I'm already tired of your presence." I fired, lips pressed thin momentarily before I reminded myself that we were currently in public with many eyes observing us, waiting for a mistake that I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of seeing as I raised my lips into a smile, hiding the ill feelings between us.

"Carlisiann, I...I apologise for abandoning you after promising to help you prepare for this event." Amanté expressed after he spun me around and brought me back into him, drawing me to the deep ocean that was his eyes.

"It's a little too late for that."

That's what I told him because I was in no mood for apologies or explanations that should have been given a week ago to prevent my mind from worrying further about this party.

"Look I hadn't planned on not showing up, I was just dealing with something that consumed my very being to the point where I couldn't find the ability to leave my room." Amanté explained, and although I was curious about what exactly transpired to make him stay inside his room for that long I wasn't in the mood to ask.

"Then you should have let Essam explain that."

"I should have, so what can I do for you to forgive me?" He asked me, and I didn't need a minute to think as I glanced at his parents who were watching us while having a quiet conversation themselves.

"Convince your parents to allow us to get married soon," I instructed him and his brows lifted in amusement which was also shown by the soft grin that appeared on his lips.

"You think they'll listen to me?"

"I believe they will. I have a feeling that when Ghalen and I discuss the wedding date after the party they'll push it back a few months." I admitted and he looked over at his parents briefly before redirecting his gaze onto me.

"I'm surprised you don't know why that is." He commented and I raised my brow slightly.

"Tell me."

"The royal customs. The soon-to-be queen gets to choose whether or not the prince she is marrying is suitable to rule. That's why they want us to spend time together." Amanté informed me and realisation struck me like lightning.

"They're hoping we build a relationship so the chances of me preventing you from ascending the throne is low." I voiced in my own words and he nodded.

"Exactly, and me not being present during our scheduled meals and you not knowing my whereabouts probably didn't help one bit. I can promise they'll try to delay it." He disclosed and the irritation I felt towards him grew even more because his choices were about to greatly affect my future—my kingdom's future.

"So you're telling me because you couldn't bother to inform me you'd be busy last week, the lives of innocents are in danger now more than ever?"

"They wouldn't be in danger in the first place if you hadn't ascended the throne early."

As much as I wanted to deny that, he was right, this was also my fault...I was also to blame for my predicament.


"Let's not argue about this, we need to focus our efforts on finding a solution." He voiced, pulling silence into the air once again as we both did our best to try and think about the perfect solution that would be able to change made up minds before the end of the night. It took a minute but Amanté spoke, "We'll just have to convince them that we are closer than ever."

"And how will we do that?" I inquired, curious about the complete idea that was running around his mind.

"We'll act like we're in love." He answered, causing me to look at him as if he had grown five heads and became a jester.

"Sounds like a horrible way to live."

"I guess your kingdom will have to wait another year to finally obtain stable magic, but that's if you still have magic after that year." Amanté declared and I felt fear rising within me as I replied.

"Alright, we'll act."


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