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"Where exactly are we headed?" I questioned him as we approached a glass door that displayed the beauty that was nature through it.

"To the greenhouse outside." He disclosed, causing my body to stiffen because of the long list of fears rising in my mind.

What if the Tislan attacks me again while I'm out there?

They'd have a clear shot because the greenhouse didn't seem very secluded from where I stood.

What if I can't escape in time if they attack?

Because I didn't know the exits of the palace.

What if I get a panic attack?

They normally occur when my thoughts become crowded like this, and my heart beats heavy like this.

What if I...

"Is that a problem?" He inquired, and I glanced at Ezra who moved closer to me in a silent attempt to comfort my uneasy mind.

Was that a problem?

Yes it was, and Amanté should have known having breakfast outside was going to be a problem for me because of my condition, but maybe his parents didn't tell him because he did say he only found out about this arrangement yesterday.

Hopefully that was the case.

"No, it's not." I assured him, not wanting to cause any trouble as he and Ezra opened the door for me.

I stepped outside, with much hesitation because I could feel my throat threatening to close up and my head threatening to spin the second my feet met the snowy pavement that was definitely not suitable for my current footwear, heels.

"Amanté should have made it clear that you'd be heading outside, so you could properly dress for the occasion. I apologise on his behalf." Essam expressed while pressing his hands together before swiftly separating them, causing the snow to follow suit, resulting in a clear pathway that was slowly being filled by the falling snow again.

"Thank you. How long have you been Amanté's bodyguard?" I questioned him as we continued our journey to the Prince.

"A year. I was assigned to him when I turned twenty-one, we grew up together." He replied, filling me with information about him.

"So your families are close?"

"Mhm, my mother was the queen's bodyguard before she retired." He informed me as we walked closer to this bubble-shaped glass that contained and protected different plants within it.

I could only guess they kept them in there to prevent them from withering away in the cold.

"Does Amanté usually eat here?" I inquired.

"When his parents don't request his presence in the breakfast hall." Essam responded as he opened the see-through door that would allow me to greet my fiance, "After you."

I walked through the door to permit my eyes to take in the floral setting, which was both bright and dark from the different coloured plants that took residence inside.

I couldn't help but admire the beautiful overgrown vines against the bubble I was now in, and I found comfort in the warmth that wasn't caused by my fire abilities as it almost reminded me of home, and this feeling calmed all the nerves I harboured earlier about coming here.

"Good morning." I greeted Amanté as I approached the table he was sitting around, and his eyes planted themselves upon my face before trailing down my body to take in my attire.

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