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"I've been looking for you for two hours now," Ezra stated, standing in front of my bed with a light frown on his brows as I entered my room with Layne behind me.

"I was in the library," I informed him as I placed the books I had taken, to further my Lvaiekian vocabulary on my bedside table.

"Who's this?" He inquired, referring to Layne and she took the opportunity to reply.

"Layne, I'm the bodyguard queen Kesis assigned to her." She answered, but before he could say a word, I spoke.

"Don't worry, it doesn't mean you're getting replaced, it just means you'll get more time off."

"I'm Ezra." He told Layne, but didn't wait for her response as he turned to me, "Dinner is in five minutes, are you ready?"

"I need to change, by the way, where's Ghalen?" I asked, meeting his eyes.

"He's already in the dining room with the king and queen. What are you going to wear?" He questioned me and I shifted my orbs to Layne.

"Layne was going to give me a dress, so can you make it?"

"I can, which colour should it be?" She inquired while leaning against the wall next to the door.

"The shade of blue I'm wearing," I answered because I liked how the colour looked against my skin.

"Good choice, Carolina blue is a very important colour in Lvaiekia because it informs people that you are engaged," Layne revealed.

"Does that mean I have to wear it every day?"

"No, only to important gatherings. Stand where you are." She instructed while stepping toward me, but what I didn't expect was for her to tear a piece of the dress.

Layne allowed her eyes to flutter close before whispering a chant.

"Thumf zatahunch kashe."

We watched as the blue fabric rose from her hand before landing on my shoulder, permitting it to expand as it travelled down my skin to journey all over my body. I honestly expected the process to be uncomfortable, but the fabric felt like my second skin as it moulded perfectly with the dress I was wearing before.

My eyes glanced at my flats which were soon covered in the blue fabric, and I watched as the fabric hardened, growing a small heel that I hoped wouldn't cause much pain when I walked.

"Done." She announced, opening her eyes, and I immediately went to the mirror in the corner of the room to get a view of the dress that fell freely and kissed the ground.

"It's beautiful, thank you," I told her as I brushed my burgundy hair that was done in plaits, off my shoulders.

"You're welcome."

"Let's go, you cannot be late," Ezra urged, and I hesitated to leave the room because I could feel my heart skipping many beats at the thought of heading to another unfamiliar place within these stone walls, but I had to ignore that feeling because I had no choice, I needed to do this for my kingdom if I wanted us to have any chance of survival.

"Is there anything I need to know regarding my future in-laws?" I asked Layne as we followed Ezra, who was walking swiftly through the halls of the palace, so we had to match his pace.

"Queen Kesis likes a woman who has opinions, but King Marin dislikes such a trait. I suggest you appeal more to the queen's likes than the king's because she holds more power than him, also when you greet them, curtsy or bow, then kiss their cheeks." Layne advised me and I did my best to retain this information.

"What about Prince Amanté? What does he like?"

"Books as you saw in the library." She stated.

"You met him?" Ezra inquired and I offered him a nod, but reminded myself he couldn't see me since he was in front of us.

"I did," I answered as we stopped in front of large doors that were soon pushed open by the two guards who stood beside them.

I kept my expression neutral as my eyes took in the rather large room that was a mixture of oxford blue, shadow blue and white.

My orbs traced the centre of the room, where a lengthy dinner table stood presenting my in-laws and my advisor, and above it was a blue chandelier that hung on the mostly white ceiling that had shadow blue outer ends, which held different symbols of Lvaiekian controlling water.

The candles on the chandelier equipped the room with ambient light as my eyes moved to the corner of the room that was hidden by oxford blue curtains which continued the colour scheme of this room.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to look around further as Queen Kesis's voice greeted my ears.

"Queen Carlisiann, you look wonderful." She complimented me while standing, and my mind immediately reminded me of how Layne told me to greet them as I made my way toward Kesis.

"Thank you, Queen Kesis, the same can be said about you," I replied, bowing before pressing a kiss against her cheeks, which she returned with a smile.

"I'm surprised you know Lvaiekian customs." Queen Kesis commented, referring to how I greeted her and the colour dress I was wearing, and I knew this because her eyes were taking it in with an impressed expression.

"I've been learning," I responded, pulling a wider smile from her as King Marin moved to her side, and I offered him the same greeting I did her.

"I'm glad you could join us, Amanté should be here any s—"

The king was interrupted by the sound of the door opening, and I swiftly diverted my orbs towards it as Essam and Prince Amanté stepped inside.

"Good night everyone, I apologise for my tardiness." Prince Amanté voiced, but his eyes were only on his father.

"It's alright." Queen Kesis assured him while gesturing for him to come closer and he did.

"Queen Carlisiann, this is our son, Amanté." King Marin announced, causing Prince Amanté's eyes to meet mine, and the shock that appeared in them had me smiling.

"Do I have something on my face?" I questioned him teasingly and he shook his head, clearing his throat.

"No...Uh hello, it's nice to meet you, Queen Carlisiann."

"You can call me Carlisiann and I thought you'd greet me in Kowonam." I reminded him, pulling realisation to his features.

", jakko aie von'k éla, Carlisiann. You can also call me Amanté." He repeated in Kowonam, drawing a bigger smile onto my lips.

"Not bad, waggo anee lulu joo, Amanté," I replied in Naylope and watched as his brows shot up slightly in surprise.

It's nice to meet you too, Amanté.

"Your accent is impeccable." He commented as I curtsied, reminding myself of Lvaiekian's customs.

"I had a little help," I informed him while pressing a kiss against his cheeks and the action immediately had him blushing slightly, but he returned the formal gesture.

"Have you two met before?" Queen Kesis inquired, noticing how we were interacting with each other and Amanté gave her a nod.

"We met in the library." He answered as Ghalen appeared beside him.

"Amanté, this is Ghalen, my royal advisor." I introduced him, which allowed them to greet each other the Lvaiekian way.

"Now that we've all been acquainted, let's take a seat." Queen Kesis instructed and we all listened.

I watched as King Marin made a gesture with his fingers, which had the maids I now noticed stood a good distance behind us with covered platters, stepping toward the table.

They placed the platters onto the table before unveiling them, allowing our eyes to be blessed by the sight of different kinds of dishes.


Queen Carlisiann (BWBM)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum