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"What did he want to talk to you about?" Ghalen questioned me as we headed towards my room with Ezra and Layne behind us.

"He wanted me to break off the engagement," I responded, which had Ghalen halting his steps and we followed his actions.

"They didn't tell him about this engagement?" He inquired and I shook my head in response.

"No, he told me he found out today."

"Do you think he'll try to break it off?"

"He has no power, he cannot," I replied, knowing that even when he became king he still could not break off our marriage because it would cost our kingdoms' their magic.

"Is that all he brought you out there to say?"

"He mentioned a girl he is in love with," I confessed, bringing Ghalen's brows together.

"Lady Naila." A voice announced and our orbs went to Layne.

"You know her?" I asked and received a nod of confirmation.

"She is a part of the queen's council, she's their youngest member actually." She reported, pulling a frown from me since the queen favoured her council's opinions, and I doubt Naila would have kind things to say about Amanté and I's relationship.

"Is she a noble?" Ezra asked, joining our conversation after observing and taking in our words.

"She's a duchess here."

"They couldn't possibly get married then, they'd die by summer's end because her Lvaiekian blood clearly overpowers her Sejlkyian blood," Ghalen stated with a heavy frown on his brows, reminding us of the consequences that came with marrying or having a child with someone of your element.

"Rumours say it doesn't," Layne informed us, and it only had my frown deepening as I wasn't about to lose everything I was working for, to a woman the prince had fallen in love with.

"It doesn't matter, I will not allow her to take my place on the Lvaiekian throne," I remarked.

"Then you better impress the council, do not allow them to be swayed by Naila's words because I know she won't have anything good to say about the woman who stole her beloved."

Those were words I couldn't disagree with because she was right, Naila was probably going to paint me in a horrible light if she was the type of person to do something like that.

"How many people are on this council exactly?"

"Five, Naila, Ciara, Len, Chike and Aadan." Ghalen answered, and Layne then proceeded to grant me more information regarding them,

"The last four he listed are elders and they are traditional people which is why there isn't much haste for you to get married because they want things to be done properly despite the fact that you and your people losing their element will greatly affect Lvaiekia."

"Tell me more about them." I requested, knowing having knowledge about them before we meet was a vitalkey needed to impress them as I'd be able to cultivate different conversation topics.

"Well they're easy going for the most part and..."





A frown graced my lips at the non-verbal gesture used to summon me to the door.

"I'll get it." The man next to me voiced, causing my eyes to meet his as he removed the sheet covering our naked bodies.

"No, you stay here. I'll be right back." I ordered him while placing my feet on the wooden floor that my black robe lay against.

I swiftly brought it into my hands just as the person knocked again, pulling a sigh from me.

"I'm coming," I spoke loudly, so they could hear through the barrier the door created.

I slipped my robe onto my arms as I stood with the help of my feet that were firmly planted on the ground, before going toward the door to open it.

"Yes?" I questioned Ghalen, who stood on the other side of the door.

"You are to have breakfast with the Prince today. Alone." He announced, drawing a sigh passed my lips.

"My closet is yet to be filled with clothes? What shall I wear?" I asked as I leaned against the doorway.

"Layne told me to give this to you." He informed me while handing me a bag, and I took it before looking inside to see a beautiful orange-red dress.

"I'll thank her when I see her."

"A guard will come to your door and escort you to the garden in ten minutes, I expect you to be prepared and have Ezra out of your room by then," Ghalen instructed me, and I stiffened when my bodyguard's name was mentioned.

"Who said he's here?" I inquired and he gave me a look then said,

"Sex smells."

"Oh...What will you be doing while I'm having breakfast with Amanté?"

"Having breakfast with his parents."

"Have fun," I told him, but I could tell he wasn't ecstatic about it.

"I will, and remember you have ten minutes." Ghalen notified me.

"I will be ready by then I promise."

Ghalen offered me a hard look before he spoke, "I'll be holding that to you."

I watched as he turned on his heel to begin his journey to my inlaws for breakfast. I turned my attention back to Ezra who was approaching me as he buttoned up his shirt, and when he stopped in front of me, he leaned in for a kiss but I backed away.

"You should be outside my door guarding it, I have to get ready for breakfast with my fiancé," I advised him while silently reminding him that he was my bodyguard.

He sighed, reaching for the door handle, but paused, "Are you sure you want to marry him?"

"Yes, I want to marry him," I responded, but he stood his ground.

"You say that, but I don't find myself convinced." He admitted.

"I guess you'll just have to trust me," I told him, causing a smile to erupt upon his lips.

"Now that's a dangerous thing."

No other words were offered in the air which allowed me to head to the shower where I spent a good amount of the ten minutes I had to spare before I changed into the dress I had been given and placed some red lipstick on my lips just as there was a knock on the door that I soon opened.

"I wasn't expecting you," I confessed as my eyes greeted Essam, who was the guard the Prince chose to send.

"Be flattered, the prince doesn't send me to guide just anyone." He replied with a slight grin as I adjusted the straps on my fire-like dress that stopped past my knees and had a tiny slit at the side.

"Should Ezra join us?" I asked him while closing my room door, and his eyes went to the guard beside it.

"If that makes you more comfortable," Essam answered, and I made a gesture for Ezra to follow us as Essam began walking.

"Do you know why the prince wanted to have breakfast with me?" I questioned him, even though I already knew the answer.

"I'm sure you can guess." He stated.

"His parents forced him?"

"Yes." Essam confirmed with a smile.


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