27 - Boxes and Scents

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A few days into the new year, Nate finally gets the key to his new apartment and I still can't wrap my head around how quickly he's settling in. The TV and a couple of bulky gray couches are the first items to arrive. I direct the movers to where to place them, and once they're gone, I flop down on one of the sofas and kick my feet up.

This is pure bliss! The wool fabric feels soft and warm, and these small, checkered cushions are definitely going to be my new snuggle buddies. I close my eyes and listen to the rain and wind pattering against the windows. The shadows of raindrops flash against the hardwood floor when a lightning strikes. Everything seems so pretty from where I'm lying. But duty calls, and I have to get up and reply to my clients.

I grab my laptop, cross my legs on the couch and dive into my emails until Nate rings the bell.

When I open the door, I find Nate standing in the hallway, water dripping all over him. His hair is stuck to his forehead, and he's shivering. I quickly take the soggy grocery bags from his icy hands and carry them to the kitchen while Nate rushes off to the bedroom.

He's crazy! Why did he buy all this stuff? Lettuce? Bread, tomatoes and mayo? He doesn't even have plates!

"I'm going to make sandwiches. Got us some beer too," he calls from the master bedroom. "Fuck... Abby?"

I leave everything on the kitchen counter and head to the bedroom. Nate is crouched between stacked cardboard boxes in the dark, squinting at their labels. Leaning against the doorframe, I hit the light switch and cross my arms.

"Thanks," he says, flashing a grin and flipping back his wet hair. "Do you know where the towels are by any chance?"

I point to the box in front of the bathroom. "Want me to unbox these for you?"

His face beams. "Would you?"

How can I say no to those glowing eyes? I chuckle and nod. "Are you staying here tonight?"

"Yeah," he replies, glancing over his shoulder at the window. The lights from the building across casts shadows on the sleet pouring from the sky. "Looks like you're staying here too."

"You better make us some pretty good sandwiches, then."

Nate chuckles and shoves a couple of boxes to the side to get to the one in front of the bathroom. After turning the right one upside down, he tears open the wrong box. I rush over to prevent a mess, and find him a towel. Nate gives me a nod of thanks before tearing into another box.

"I'll grab you something to wear," I tell him, waving him off. "Go. Get started on those sandwiches. I'm starving."

He clicks his heels together, throws me a salute, then leaves me alone in the cardboard jungle.

Thanks to Nate's helpers, everything's clearly labeled. And fine—maybe I peeked into most of his stuff, so I know where everything is. Still, it takes me a while to dig up a pair of sweatpants and a sweater for him.

Once I have everything, I drag my feet down the hallway. Nate's cheerful song echoes between the bare walls, putting a smile on my face. I'm bringing him socks too, with his naughty smirk printed all over them. Who prints their face on socks anyway?

Oh. My. Lord...

Nate's standing by the kitchen island with his back turned, wearing nothing but that tiny white towel I handed him minutes ago. It's wrapped around his hips, barely holding on. His shoulder blades pull closer with every slice he cuts into the bread in front of him. And those arms? Don't even get me started on those arms... Those, strong, muscular, arms...

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