31 - Best Friend Duty

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Nate cuts through the crowd, rushing toward us in the ballroom. "Didn't think I'd see you here! Your name wasn't on the guest list—"

"I'm Dad's plus one," I jump in, giving Nate a friendly peck on the cheek.

His cologne is fresh and smells like the ocean—brings a hint of warm summer to this gloomy December day. And damn, he looks hot in his tuxedo! Even though I don't see any ladies around him, I'm sure he'll take a couple of beauties home tonight.

Letting go of Dad, I loop my arm into Nate's with a proud smile. "Dad, this is my best friend, Nate."

Nate snaps a gaze at me. A goofy grin spreads across his face and makes me chuckle.

"I'm honored," Nate says, leaping forwad to shake Dad's hand as he's looking at me.

"Thank you." Dad replies, shifting uncomfortably.

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'm honored to meet you too, sir." Nate finally tears his gaze from mine as he turns to Dad. "But I'm mainly honored because she called me her best friend."

Dad's bushy brows fly up and then furrow down. His mouth moves like a fish out of water, struggling to find words as he scans the crowd in confusion. Then our eyes meet, and Dad bursts out laughing.

My jaw falls open as I join in his laughter. It's been so long since I heard that genuine, melodious sound escape his lips.

Nate tousles his hair, trying to look innocent. "Shall I escort you to your table?"

Dad nods, his shoulders still shaking with silent laughter.

Nate secures my arm into his, smiles back at Dad over his shoulder, and guides us deeper into the ballroom.

The winter theme around us feels magical. Crystal icicles hang from the ceiling, casting a rainbow of colors as they catch the light. The white carpet beneath our feet resembles a fresh blanket of snow. With each step, my heels sink into its soft fibers. I lean on Nate every now and then to find my balance, but he is not complaining.

I have to give it to the event planner; this theme is perfect for today's cause in so many levels. It's not just because Christmas is right around the corner, but because winter holds a deeper meaning for Dad's patients.

Those who have battled Alzeihmer's and Dementia describe their experience as being buried under layers of snow with each passing day while their memories fade away.

I'm proud to be a genius' daughter. No matter how Dad's work had separated us and I had to grow up alone, my dad developed a medicine that's changed lives. He's cleared away mountains of snow for countless patients, restoring their memories and returning them to their lives. Sadly, some patients are beyond help, as in the case with any field of research. Still, tonight is about reaching out to them and their families—at least it should be.

Nate's hand glides over the deep opening on my back as he leans in close to my ear. "Does Olga know that I've taken her place?"

"Not yet," I reply with a grin. "But she knows that I've released her from her best friend duties so she can build a life of her own."

"I'm thrilled to fill this new position," he says as his fingers trace up my spine. "You won't regret it, I swear."

A fiery glow flickers in his eyes as our gazes lock, and my heart skips a beat.

Keep touching me like that, and I'll think of other positions where you can fill me, Nate. I bite my lips and avert my gaze. I'm a horrible person with a dirty mind. Seriously, what's wrong with me?

"Dr. Shepherd, here is your seat," Nate announces when we finally reach our table, then pulls out the empty chair next to Dean Pitri.

The dean turns his balding head toward Dad and sinks back in his seat with a sigh of relief. The woman in the red sari beside him must be his wife. She gently strokes her husband's hand and gives us a warm smile.

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