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Unfortunately for Mikoto and Kushina, the anticipated day had taken longer than expected. For various reasons, Sakura, they, or their children couldn't come together to enjoy a pleasant dinner. Initially, it was disappointing, but there wasn't much they could do about it. Over time, the situation became stressful, and by the two-month mark, they were on the verge of losing their sanity, soul, hair, mind, and everything in between.

Even Minato and Fugaku remarked that they had more work than usual, just to enjoy a moment of tranquility before returning home and finding their wives pacing the room walls while murmuring Sakura's name. Frankly, it was eerie.

So, tonight, they placed all their hopes on the New Year's party, where neither their children nor Sakura would be occupied except in getting to the celebration.

The two women walked with heaps of bags in their hands, filled with Christmas gifts they would soon wrap at home. Their faces radiated happiness and satisfaction from the great shopping spree they had. Just as they exited a store, their pro-Sakura internal radar activated. Like detectives, they searched until they found her coming out of a pet store.

"¡Sakura!" they both greeted.

Sakura first looked at them in surprise and then smiled at them.

"Mikoto, Kushina," she responded. Like them, she had decided to do last-minute shopping and already had several gifts in her hands: two large, slim packages, one small one, and a net full of dog cans.

Oh no. They had been through this before. Those cans couldn't be for the Inuzuka. They had won, and she had lost! With their smiles still present, both were about to have an aneurysm.

"Are they for Kakashi's dogs?" Mikoto asked, patting herself on the shoulder at her brilliant insight. Discreetly, Kushina gave her a thumbs-up in approval.

"Yes, Pakkun and the others do a lot for us on missions, so I wanted to give them something," Sakura explained, showing the variety of flavors.

Both sighed internally with relief. False alarm. Tsume's son will still be alive.

"Do you still have more things to buy?" Kushina asked. Now that they were in front of her, they couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend time with Sakura. They longed to hug her, smell her sweet fragrance, and fantasize about the future grandchild or grandchildren.

"Actually, I still have some gifts to buy," Sakura apologized.

The eyes of both women sparkled with excitement at the opportunity.

"We'll help you!" they declared in unison.

Sakura, unable to say no, glanced at the bags the two women were carrying and then nodded.

They went from store to store examining items for Sasuke, Naruto, Ino, and others. Of course, both took the opportunity to enter a clothing store and persuaded Sakura to try an infinite number of garments, ending up taking several photos. They decided to search for a dress for the evening again, encouraged by the good humor provided by the idea that Sakura would attend. Definitely, today was going to be a great day.

"I think that kimono over there suits you better," Mikoto said, pointing to one.

"Really? Let me see."

Once Kushina stepped away, Mikoto approached Sakura, who was examining two dresses.

"And tell me, Sakura, how has my dear son treated you so far?" she threw a glance that hinted at a deeper conversation, almost causing Sakura to drop both dresses and blush.

"M-Mikoto," she stammered.

"I have to be honest," she glanced at Kushina, who was looking at kimonos; they didn't have much time before she returned. Today was all or nothing. "Since we met you and you became part of Team Seven, we've loved you. I know my son can be very stubborn at times, but I'll tell you a secret," she looked around and lowered her voice to a whisper, "The Uchiha, as stubborn as they may be, once they make a decision, they are loyal to it."

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