(2) Is mom wise?

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Unfortunately for Mikoto and Kushina, the long-awaited day had taken longer than expected to arrive for both of them. For one reason or another, Sakura, they, or their children couldn't manage to come together for a pleasant dinner. Initially, it was disappointing, but after a month, it turned stressful, and by the two-month mark, they were on the verge of losing their calm and nearly everything in their path.

Even Minato and Fugaku claimed to have more work than usual just to have a moment of peace before coming home and finding their wives pacing the room while murmuring Sakura's name. Honestly, it was chilling.

That's why they pinned all their hopes on the New Year's Eve party that night, where neither their children nor Sakura would have commitments that kept them busy other than attending the celebration.

The two women walked with heaps of bags in hand, filled with Christmas gifts that would soon be brought home to wrap. Their faces gleamed with happiness and joy for the upcoming big day and the shopping therapy they had just indulged in.

"Kushina-san, Mikoto-san," Sakura greeted as she passed by them.

Could their day get any better? Excitedly, they ran to greet her.

"Last-minute shopping?" Mikoto asked, offering a gentle smile.

Both froze when they noticed the slight blush on Sakura's cheeks. Suddenly, they felt a small crack in their hearts. This didn't sound good.

"I-I didn't have much time until now, so I took the opportunity to go shopping," she said, showing a small red box with an orange bow and navy blue stripes.

Tun, tun, tun, tuuuun.

Both exhaled forcefully, trying to contain their emotions.

"For whom is it?" Kushina's voice came out a bit loud and squeaky.

When they saw Sakura hesitate, they knew. What? When? Where? With whom? She had never hidden anything from them. They always made sure she was the first to come to talk to them. They had even managed to position themselves as someone closer than her vague sensei.

"It's for my team. I just got one of the gifts; I still need the others."

Both mothers plastered such big smiles on their faces that they almost split their heads in two.

"We'll help you!" they said in unison.

Sakura, unable to refuse, glanced at the bags the two women were carrying and then nodded.

They went from store to store examining items to buy for Sasuke, Naruto, Ino, and others. Of course, they took the opportunity to enter the clothing store and have Sakura try on a variety of outfits, taking several photos together. Of course, they also decided to look for a dress again for the evening, as they were in a very good mood knowing that Sakura would be attending. They were definitely going to have an amazing day.

"I think that kimono over there suits you better," Mikoto said, pointing to one.

"Really? Let me see."

Once Kushina was away, Mikoto approached Sakura, who was examining two dresses.

"And tell me, Sakura, my dear son, how has he treated you so far?" She gave her a knowing look that made Sakura almost drop both dresses and blush.

"M-Mikoto," she stammered.

"I have to be honest," she glanced at Kushina, who was looking at the kimonos; she didn't have much time before she returned. Today was all or nothing. "Since we met you and you became part of Team Seven, we've cared about you. I know my son can be very stubborn at times, but I'll tell you a secret," she looked around and lowered her voice to a whisper, "the Uchiha, as stubborn as they may be, once they decide on something, they are faithful to their decisions."

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