My voice trembled as I spoke, and I could feel the tears threatening to spill over. I was tired of being the disappointment, the one who could never live up to his expectations.

"Oh, please suck it up. Now you listen to me, since you complaining so much about not having a wife, I'll find you one, one of my choosing and she'll be your betroth. You can do whatever with her, and as soon as your coming of age draws near you two we'll get married." my father said smiling sheepishly as he stepped from his throne leaving me in the throne room. My head was about to burst. A wife? Of his choosing? What in the world would one call this? I don't want to get married.

I felt like a fool. I had allowed myself to be distracted by my emotions, and now I was facing the consequences. Getting married was not what I wanted, and I had no idea how to get out of it. I felt trapped, like there was no way out. I didn't know what to do next, and the thought of marrying someone I didn't love filled me with dread. I felt so overwhelmed, and I just wanted to escape from it all.

I walked into my chambers. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about him. Usually, he was a little clumsy, but today he was moving with grace and precision. I felt unsettled, and I wasn't sure why. I watched him as he cleaned, his movements smooth and efficient. There was something in his eyes that seemed different, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I tried to ignore the feeling, but it kept nagging at me. I couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. As he continued to clean, I heard him humming softly under his breath. The tune was unfamiliar, and it sent a chill down my spine.

As I gazed at him, I noticed something else that seemed off. He was tidying up my bed, but the way he was doing it seemed unusual. He was making the bed too tightly, and his movements were too precise. It was as if he was trying to make the bed exactly the same way every time, like he was following a specific set of instructions.

I found myself becoming more and more suspicious of him. What was going on? Why was he acting so strangely? I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, and I didn't know what to do about it. Should I confront him?

It was absurd, but I couldn't help but feel jealous of my little brother. He was the one who had turned my servant against me, I was sure of it. And why? Because I was the eldest, and I was supposed to be the favorite. It was all so petty and ridiculous, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking these thoughts. I felt like a child, and I hated it. And yet, I couldn't help but feel like I was being pushed out, like I was no longer wanted.

"Did you by any chance tell my father about me sleeping with a maid? You're the only one that saw me." I said. He didn't shift, turn or stop what he was doing, was I being ignored?

"It's none of my business." He coldly said. Fixing up the pillows and walking right into the bathroom. Did a literal servant just shut me up?

I stared in awe wide eyed. If it was any other servant who had replied me the way that boy did, he'd be out the door in minutes but for some reason I found it quite... attractive. Yesterday I saw him and Evan by the garden taking strolls. Evan had said something to him that made him smile and blush. I felt a surge of jealousy at the thought of him blushing at the words of my brother, when it was only I who was allowed to see that rosy blush on his cheeks. He came out of the bathroom as he stood by the double doors, ready to leave my chambers.

"Is there anything else you require, My Prince?" he asked, his voice formal and serious. His gaze swept around the room, as if searching for something to do. I could tell he was somewhat ignoring me, and I hated that. He pretty much didn't matter to me. I took so long to reply as I scanned him.

"I'll take my leave then." He said turning to the doors.

"Wait." I commanded. "Come here." I demanded.

He took long strides and stood a few feet away from me. He was trying to be strong I see.

"Come closer." I said.

He stepped closer, his body tense. I gazed up at him, his expression stony and unreadable. I could sense the discomfort radiating from him, and I savored it. I sat up straighter, drawing him in closer until he stood between my legs. I leaned back, staring up at him with a smile. My eyes were dark and fathomless, my mouth curved in a knowing smirk. He was mine, and I relished the control I had over him.

His hands started getting fidgety and I knew he was about to break. Games and games, he tried to play, baby, I created games. As I inhaled his scent, I felt a rush of desire wash over me. I could tell that he was nervous, his body trembling slightly. But he was trying to keep his composure, to appear unaffected by my presence. I smiled to myself, enjoying the game we were playing. I could sense his resolve breaking, his control slipping. I let my eyes drift closed, enjoying the moment. I had him exactly where I wanted him.

"Look at me, I'm down here." I muttered.

I looked up at him, and I could see the moment when his resolve finally broke. His eyes met mine, and I could tell he was lost in the moment. I reached out and took his hand, guiding him to me. He stumbled forward, and I caught him, pulling him onto my lap. He looked at me, his eyes wide and vulnerable. He was mine now, and I knew it. I took his chin in my hand, forcing him to meet my gaze.

"You acting quite serious for my liking." I breathed out.

"I'm just a servant,I have to be serious." He said. He hadn't blushed yet. Better yet he still kept his composure.

"Come on, isn't it a little boring?" I felt his body tense as my lips brushed against his neck. I could tell he was nervous, and I savored the power I had over him. I felt him squirm under my touch, and I knew I had him right where I wanted him. I laid another kiss on his neck, this time lingering a little longer. I could feel his breathing quicken, his pulse racing.

"This- is- ve—ry inappropriate my p-rince." He tried saying without stuttering but he couldn't as the words got caught in his throat. The ice had broken. A faint blush made its way to his face and his ears.

"Bingo." I said chuckling a little. He scrambled off my lap and backed away from me, looking at me with wide, fearful eyes. He turned and fled from my chambers, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction. I had gotten to him, had made him feel something he didn't want to feel. I knew it was petty, but it was also thrilling. It made me feel powerful, in control. Damn, I loved this stupid game.

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