Chapter Eight ~ Zaria

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Traveling with Damian is nothing like traveling with Tyrian.

Whereas traveling with Tyrian felt like falling in a tornado, traveling with Damian seemed... almost like a breezy day at the beach.

I can't say I know all that much how it feels. The only time I ever went to a beach was when I was fifteen and it was for a mission. But I remember vividly running on the beach with John as the sun set behind the ocean. That soft picture in my mind has never been erased from my memory.

"Zaria, you're so slow! Keep up!" John yells as he almost trips in the sand running backward.

Huffing up my speed I grab onto John's arm and pull him down the rest of the way. He flails like a fish out of water before hitting the sand and rolling over.

I keep running, laughing until my lungs hurt. "Look who's slow now," I say and as I run a huge flock of seagulls takes off into the sky. Stopping in my tracks I watch as they soar into the sunset. Free.

John's sandy steps behind me slow as he approaches me. He puts his hand on my shoulder. I look over at him, but he keeps his eyes on the sky. "Do you like the beach?" he asks and I don't where the question comes from.

"It doesn't really matter, does it?" I shake my head and he looks at me. I half smile, shrugging my shoulders. "It's not like we'll be able to go on a vacation anytime soon."

"You never know," he answers. "After all the money we get for Damian, he's got to let us relax sooner or later."

I wish I could believe John, but I know he's wrong. I press my lips together, suppressing the urge to tell him he's delusional. Something in me can't say it, or... won't allow myself to say it.

We will be slaves to Damian our entire lives. There will be no breaks.

He knows it. And... I know he knows it. What catches me off guard is the fact that he still holds onto hope. He talks about the future as if we won't be living this same life five... ten years from now. I don't know how he does it. How does he hold onto hope?

"Yeah," I say looking into his deep brown eyes. His light freckles shine golden in the pink sunset. "I do like the beach."

Once I feel my feet hit the ground, Damian's hands holding my shoulder become heavier and heavier. I shudder.

Pushing him away I look behind me. My heart drops.

"I didn't know where else to take you," Damian says in a gruff voice. I turn back at him and his hands are in his pockets. Shrugging his shoulder he smiles with only the right side of his mouth. "It's been a while-

"Why?" I ask cutting him off. "Wh- I-" I stutter over and over again not even knowing where to begin. How did Damian do that in the first place? He knows about magic. He knew about my mother... but him? "You have-"

"Some explaining to do." He finishes my sentence for me. "I know."

I look around at the dank walls. They seem all too real to be an illusion. Reaching my hand out I run my hand over it. Just by touch, I can tell the walls have been re-painted.

The mansion in Flesherg.

I dare look over at the entryway. The spot where my father pulled the trigger of his revolver and nearly killed me.

It's funny that out of all of my memories throughout the years, that one doesn't even come close to the worst.

"What are you thinking?" Damian asks and I can hear the anxiety in his tone. For once it seems I have now scared him. He's scared of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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